45 | A sinner who has sinned

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♠ Not Edited♠
Kataleya's POV:

Annoyance crept inside me, as the sound of someone clearing their throat made Enrico pull away before our lips can collide.

My stare pinned the culprit, who was on the top of the list of people I desired to bury six feet down.

It was the waiteress from earlier.

"What?" It came out more harshly than I intended to let out.

From my peripheral vision, I could see Enrico shudder at my tone, evidently glad to not be the one at the recieving end.

The waitress, crossing her arms over her chest, scowled. Purposely, if not, revealing her disdain.

With a snob stare, she retorted,
"This café does not alow any PDA."

From the corner of my eyes, I noticed Enrico open his mouth to say something. But before he could, my hand found his palm, slightly squeezing it.

Taking the hint, he hushed himself.

"Is that so?" I asked, faking a polite tone.

"Yes. It is a rule here" She smugly stated.

"I see. And here, I thought the rejection bruised your femine ego." Like a left-handed compliment, my tone was polite yet the words were bitter.

"If you had one." Adding another insult, I stretched my lips in what was an annoyed smile.

'I know you are a bitch, but can't you pretend not to be in front of our man?' Diana huffed out, clearly happy but showing otherwise.

'Why should I pretend? If he is going to like me, it shouldn't be my pretend self but me.'

Pretending to be someone I am not? That is like trying to con the man in front of me by being a con artist.

And, I am no liar. A hustler, who has no personality and never true to themseleves.

How am I supposed to become the likes of whom I detest the most?

Ending the chain of my thoughts, I focused on the woman, her face red from anger and humilation, glaring at me.

But for the sake of not loosing her job, she spitted the words through gritted teeth.

"If you can't follow the rules, please leave."

For the sake of a sham, this liar!

"Can you show me where the rule is written? Since I remember, this café is famous for being a couple's café."

I never chose a destination without doing a background check on it.

If I am going to some café, of course it should be obvious for me to know why it is famous and for what it is famous along with other minor details.

Call me anything, but I have some serious issues and I am absolutely aware of it.

As the waitress was caught on her lie, she had no choice but to go and hide her face somewhere.

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