63 | do I blame him?

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♠ Not Edited♠

Kataleya's POV:-

"A-Aaron killed Kira?" A broken whispered gushed past Austin.

The tears were flowing down his face, resembling the gut-wrenching pouring of rain.

He wasn't the only one. A quivering gasped escaped my lips in place of a sob that threatened to break like a god-forsaken thunder.

"What did you do Kevin? What the hell did you do?" I whisper-yelled, completely defeated. My mind not ready for any more details.

"I let him think he was in control. He changed the crime scene into a suicide scene. He erased all the evidence of the crime committed. And you know, he didn't do it alone. His brother, what's his name again? He helped him."

Kevin's body shook in pain and anger. He wasn't looking at me now, his eyes were zooming in the corner at nothing. He was lost in his mind. Lost in pain at remembering the horrific event of his monster that's his past.

"I recorded everything. I have prove of their cruelty. But I never gave it to the police. A little time in jail? That's a mercy. They don't deserve any mercy. So, I did to Aaron what he did to my woman. I killed him and portrayed his death like a suicide. I watched the life drain out of his eyes. The hunger for his life feeded my blood thirsty soul." He chuckled.

He did not regret what he did. It was clear from his reaction that he would repeat his actions in a heartbeat.

But do I blame him?

Just the thought of someone hurting my husband sent a wave of rage throughout my body. I would gladly rip anyone's throat with my bare hand if it means protecting the man I fell unknowingly for.

"I have been after his brother, trying to find any and everything to use against him. It was easy because he blamed you and your friends for his brother's death. Because only you guys were adamant that Kira's death wasn't a suicide. He believed you killed Aaron. It worked for me though."

His words began to make sense. Every missing piece were finally found and all that was left to do join them together to unfold the big picture.

Everything was crystal clear but the harsh truth as expected brought with it the torment and pain.

"Release me." I demanded. My voice sharp as ever, implying that I'm done with his games.

He won't hurt me. I trust him, no I believe in him.

"No. I won't hurt you. Not any of you. But it ends today. I will kill him and turn myself in. You all will stay tied up here otherwise you will become my accomplices." Kevin shook his head, trying his best to convince us.

"What are you planning to do?" I asked.

"I tricked him. Liam will come here. He is a good man. But his grave mistake was helping his brother hide the murder. I used his suspicion against you in my favour. He believes today he will see your downfall. But he doesn't really know what awaits him is his downfall and death." Kevin got up and dusted his pants.

He passed us another smile, neither callous nor happy. He was conveying to us that it all will end soon.

"Kevin, listen! Don't leave. Fuck, you son of a bitch don't leave us tied here to rot. KEVIN! YOU BASTARD UNTIE ALL OF US" My yelling did nothing. He did not even stop or turned back, he just left the way he came from.

"Damn it!" I cursed, trying to break out of the ropes. The ropes rubbing and applying pressure on my hands, and slicing the skin.

I didn't care. Not when it began to hurt so much and not when the blood began to gush out.

I was lost in a trance where my aim was just to get out of these ropes. Although the trance broke when the yelling voices reached my ears.

"Kataleya! Damn it, you are hurting yourself. Stop!" Enrico's worried voice cut through my trance.

"Babe, we will get out of here. Just stop, we will think of something. Please don't hurt yourself baby. Not when I am unable to help or do anything." His voice overwhelmed with so much emotions making my futile attempts still.

"I feel useless. Being tied down, how can I help you and Kevin? How am I supposed to do my fucking job?" I shouted in frustration.

My breath so ragged and body shaking from frustration of being so helpless.

"I have never been so helpless." I whispered.

"Sweetheart, please don't do that to yourself. You don't have to do everything. Not now. My hands are tied down and I can't hold you in my arms. It hurts to see you like this. To not being able to comfort you. I am sorry. I am so so sorry that I'm so useless." Enrico's words hit me.

I am not the only one. I am not the only one who is feeling useless. And my feelings is making my husband hurt and feel the same way.

He is apologising? Because he can't hug me? Cradle me in his arms?

My heart clenched as I finally take a look at him.

His pleading eyes staring at me with so much love and longing that I felt bad for expressing myself. I shouldn't feel guilty for making him worry. Right? But I am.

"Don't. Don't apologise when you have nothing to be sorry for. It's my mistake. I am the reason we are here, tied and helpless. I am so sorry. Both of you, I'm really sorry." I apologized, not really understanding what is happening with me.

Maybe it's because everything is so overwhelming or maybe I'm in shock and denial, not completely processing what really happened.

I mourned Aaron's death when he died, although I denied it in my mind. Now that I know what he did, will I even remember him the same or just a savage who cost me my best friend?

"Don't overthink. Don't do that. We will talk when we get out of here. When I can hold you while you cry. Please don't worry your pretty little head about anything." Enrico pleaded and all I could do was nod at him.

Austin just laid there, not interfering in our conversation. So, unlike of him.

This situation is also so unlikely, who am I to blame him?

'Just hang in there a little more and then everything will be over soon.'



A/N: Another update for you all! hope you enjoyed 💖💖

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