17 | Crazy Woman

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I barged into Enrico's room without knocking on the door, frustrated.

We arrived at his place, after Shawn (Her driver) came to pick us and dropped us here half an hour ago.

It's already six in the evening, as we spend too much time at my humble abode.

Enrico was not in his room, and the sound of shower running was indication enough to know where he was.

I marched towards the bathroom, knocking on the door and saying “Enrico” twice.

The sound of shower turning off reached my ears, and not taking much time, Enrico opened the door.

He was freshly out of the shower, and the water was dropping down from his neck, and flowing down to his bare chest, since he only had a towel wrapped around his torso.

I connected my eyes with his, staring at his displeased face.

“I can't even shower peacefully now?” He snapped in agitation.

“Why is my room small and yours big?” I questioned.

He sighed, running his hand on his face in annoyance.

“It's because this is a master bedroom and yours, a guest room.” He looked me dead in the eye.

“I want a bigger room.” I demanded.

He pushed me out of the way, walking towards his closet.

And being a stubborn person , I followed him there, hot on his tail.

“My room is the only room that's big. Rest are of normal ratio.” He sighed, going through his casual clothes.

Since he was taking too much time in picking his clothes, I pushed him out of the way, scanning everything in his walk-in closet.

My hands reached out and picked out a gray satin button up shirt.
To go with it, I picked out a black sweatpants since he isn't going out and would prefer staying comfortable.

I pushed them on his chest, and saw him poke inside of his cheek with his tongue.

I scowled when I realized he wasn't moving.

“Are you waiting for something? Why are you not wearing the clothes?” I questioned.

“I'm waiting for you to leave. Or, it's up to you if you want to stay.” He smirked, unwrapping the towel, making me immediately turn around.

“You could have said so. And, tell me when you are done, I'll turn around.” I stated.

“I can't even change without your presence bugging me?” He muttered under his breath, but I chose to ignore his words.

There's a man most probably naked behind you.’ Diana whispered.

I cursed myself, as she appeared out of thin air.

You have never seen a naked man, have you?’ Diana wiggled her eyebrows, I started singing in my mind to distract myself.

A peak won't hurt, Kataleya.’ She teased, and I've never hated someone's existence, like I was cursing her right now.

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