44 | An artist, a canvas and colors

570 28 65

A/N:- So to guys who don't follow me, I got my result!!

I secured 91/93% (I had an additional subject and it depends on me to calculate any one..so yup) and 94.75 percentile!

In GPA it's either 3.7 or 4.0.

I am really ecstatic about it!!!

Anyways, I am yet to give my entrance..it's on 5th and 7th August, so wish me luck ;)

Moving on, a new chapter!!

Hope you enjoy❤
~ Constructive feedback is appreciated~
♦ Please don't be a silent reader,and at least leave a like to motivate me♦
♠ Not Edited♠
Enrico's POV:

“Is it bad that I think you have gone nuts?” I pinned her with my suspicious gaze, to which she responded by pinching my thigh.

“It won't be a surprise if pinching me is your kink.” Faking a scowl at her, I felt my inside melting.

She has been acting strange and even though, she is still herself, her actions and everything are inviting butterflies to their new abode, my stomach.

We are sitting in the car, parked outside ‘Meow Café’. Yes, outside a cat café.

She insisted that instead of a candlelight dinner at a luxurious restaurant, she wants to eat here, at a cat café.

That makes me come to another conclusion about her, she's an ailurophile, a person who loves cat.

The first one being that if Kataleya wants something, she gets it, no matter what.

“Believe me, you don't want to know.” She winked at me.

What does she mean? My mind was exploding with different scenarios and guesses.
And all of them were far from being innocent.

Clearing my throat, I tried not to think about what her kink can be because if I kept thinking, my blood will go somewhere else.

“Why are you getting flustered? What are you thinking?” Kataleya raised an eyebrow at me with a smirk.

Oh, she is absolutely doing this on purpose.

This unholy woman.

But two can play her game.

The corners of my lips tilted upwards, forming a smirk. Leaning forward, I whispered in her ear.

“Believe me, you don't want to know.”

She gave me a deadpanned stare, clearly impressed with how I used her words against her. Note the sarcasm.

“I would have definitely played with you, but I have some cats waiting for me.” Kataleya flipped her hair over her shoulder, purposely, before getting out of the car.

“You could have waited for me to open the door.” Getting out of the car, I exclaimed.

She was already walking ahead of me to the café and answered, “Next time, gentleman.”

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