49 | Between him and I

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♠ Not Edited♠
Kataleya's POV:

"Here, drink this." Ric placed a cup of hot coffee on the kitchen counter, in front of me.

"Just so you know, a good coffee is the straight way to my heart." I humored, while trying to keep a poker face.

He chuckled, before plopping on the counter, right where my coffee sat a moment ago.

"Your heart must be a caffeine addict. Shall I take it to a rehab?" He took my free palm, and ran his thumb making circles on its back.

His little gesture of affection put free the butterflies in my tummy, which I tried to cage with all of my efforts not long ago.

'You do realize there is no way you can escape now, right?' Diana asked, happy that I am no longer running away.

'I do, and I have finally made up my mind. There is no going back now.'

'Why now? It has been years. You never even thought of telling anyone back then. What changed?' My mind asked, not realizing that it has long lost the battle to my heart.

'Everything changed. I met him and finally a part of me that I thought had died, the real me, I found it again. He helped me find it again.' I answered, while being true to my heart, to my happiness.

I deserve it. I deserve to be happy, cherished and careless again. Something inside me feels alive. It has been ages since I listened to my heart, and now that I finally did, I regret the time where I ignored it and instead, listen to my mind, while building a suffocating castle around myself.

'Why did you change your mind in three days? Were not you trying to push him away?' She pressed further, trying to understand my decision.

But, are not some decisions senseless and illogical in our mind yet the best thing we decides to do?

'I realized something in three days. No secrets are worth keeping if they end up coming between us. Between him and I.'

I took a sip from the coffee, while we both sat in silence. None of us saying anything, just me sipping coffee and him playing with my fingers.

Until he decided to cut the comfortable silence with his words.

"What happened?"

I knew it was coming. To be honest, I expected him to ask this sooner, not after an hour of comforting me, then preparing me a cup of coffee and rubbing circles on the back of my hand.

Well, when it comes to him, I should start expecting the unexpected.

"It is a long story." I spoke, looking at him with an easy yet strained smile.

The smile you pass to someone, showing you are comfortable and happy to be with them, yet, why we are here and what I am about to tell you is anything but something to be happy about. Yes, that smile.

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