07 | A new chapter

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P.s. Don't be a silent reader.
(Not edited)

And how's the new cover?

The image above is the look^

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The image above is the look^

Kataleya Hernández:

During the teenage years, every girl dreams to get approached by a boy who will cherish them forever, someone who will wholeheartedly support and accept them. The person whom they will get married to.
However, my chain of thoughts differs. They were different from what was mostly expected from the girls of my age. I was supposed to dream and plan my marriage like a normal teenager. But did I? From the teenage years to even now, I never saw myself where I am today. My youth self focused more on getting successful and building a career. That was my dream. A dream I achieved by working hard. After achieving everything I wanted, even then, I never saw myself getting married. Especially not like this.

I never dreamt of falling in love, but does that mean I didn't want to? Maybe deep down, I too wanted to fall in love. But being too focused on making a career, I couldn't. Whenever I would see couples walking past me on the streets, feeding each other in the restaurant, I would crave the feeling of being in love too, but I would always console myself by saying "Don't worry, we have a whole life ahead." "Focus on your dream, we have much time to think about unnecessary things".

Look where that brought me, I never got the chance to experience how it feels to love someone or loved by someone. Instead, here I am, getting married to an absolutely stranger. Someone I don't know anything about. But do I regret my decision? Absolutely not.

I don't have time to sulk over something which wasn't meant to be. It's better to do something in the present as to not regret anything by missing my time to grieve over something I can't change.

I looked back at myself in the mirror and seeing myself, a smile twinkled on my lips.

The only thing which I feel happy about, getting dolled up. I was awed by the sparkling white cloth draped on my body. I loved that the gown was simple but still elegantly beautiful. The lace sleeves clung onto my forearms, giving the dress a godly aura.

The one thing that stood out to me was the slit at the bottom, giving a peak at my porcelain, cleanly shaved legs.

I looked absolutely stunning. What I wonder was, for what? Wedding day is supposed to be the best day of someone's life, but for me, it wasn't the wedding day but this dress. It doesn't matter if today meant nothing, but I will forever cherish how much the gorgeousness radiates off me.

"For how much longer are you going to stare at yourself?" Xena finally voiced out.

"You couldn't hold back yourself from breaking the silence, huh?" I said.

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