43| We are going to hell

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♠ Not Edited♠

Kataleya's POV:

“What happened?” Austin asked, as he pins me with his gaze.

“Ryan asked if I hurt his dad. He asked me if I'm the reason why his dad left him.” The words left my mouth with bitterness.

I turned my face to his, catching his shocked expression.

“I couldn't answer him. How could I? After all, I don't break my promises.” A sardonic smile lingering on my lips, as I felt bitter with myself.

“What happened before? How did he get the idea of something like that?” Austin let out, voice retched with emotions.

“Liam and I were arguing. Ryan heard him call me a murderer, a monster who took his father away.” Somberly, I told him.

Viciousness glint through his eyes as a spiteful sneer captured his face.

“That punk! I never hated him the amount I do now. What made him hate us? He was always kissing your feet before.”

“He blame all of us for Aaron's death. He thinks we killed him.” I answered his question.

Austin stared at me in disbelief; however, it wasn't directed at me, it was directed at Liam.

His incredulity was over the denseness of Liam.

“How can he even think that? Aaron was our best friend, except that he betrayed us, that doesn't mean we killed the fucker.” Austin exclaimed, his irises narrowing at nothing.

“Unless someone is filling his ears.” The words slip through my mouth as I knew they would.

“Are you implying what I'm thinking?” His eyes shot up to my face, waiting for me to answer him.

“How did he find out it wasn't a suicide? Not unless someone told him so.”

The stillness washed between us, but it was thunderously furnished with so many unspoken words. So many unspoken thoughts.

“We need someone to keep an eye on him. Because if that's the case, he is under grave danger.”  His uneasiness and concern was enough to know that he understands the situation.

No matter how much we despise the Harris brothers, we will never let our grudge get in the way from saving their lives.

We, specially I, will never go back to our words. We will never break our promise.

“I know someone perfectly fit for the job.” Seeing me smirking callously, Austin passed a smirk of his own.

“We are going to hell.” He chuckled, his eyes glinting with mischief.

“Going to? We are already there.” I exclaimed.

“Now that I'm aware of what happened, there's still one thing bugging me. Your husband said you were in his arms.

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