16 | Doom

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Unknown: (From the Café)

Doom really knocked on my door, annihilating everything I ever desired for right in front of my eyes.

At first, I thought my eyes were deceiving me, but they were not.

It was her. Kataleya. I saw her walk down the aisle to another man. When she took her vows, I was there.

I had done everything I could to find out about her, but there was no information.

It was like someone has been investing all their efforts to keep her out from anyone's reach.

They were protecting every little detail regarding her, I was wondering why but now I finally got the answer.

She is a Hernández, and it's no secret that her family, is Mafia themselves.
It must be to protect her from the enemies.

My hopes turned into an empty can getting crushed, that's worthless.

All I wanted was to ask her out, give her all the happiness, but it turned out, all my desires were like trying to hoard the jewels in a box, with no surface.

If only I had not eavesdropped on the conversation the groom's friends were having, I wouldn't have known it was a marriage of convenience.

Now, I can't become a homewrecker but I will surely approach her as a friend.

And, when they will divorce, I will be the one she will look for.
Until then, I will become her secret admirer, sending her gifts and cheerful notes everyday to make her happy.

I will look after her from afar, and will make sure no problem gets in her way. She will be getting the best of me and nothing less.

When I decided to pour myself second glass of vodka, the bottle was snatched away from my hand.

I turned to see the person, and glared when I saw who it was.

“What the hell are you doing, Son?” My mother snarled, throwing the bottle on the floor, breaking it.

I cursed and didn't say anything because emotional damage is the last thing I need right now.

“I asked you something.” She slammed her hands on the table making me get up and try to leave.

Keyword here, try. When I tried to leave, she stopped me by grabbing my hand.

I turned towards her, and next thing I felt was the stinging sensation on my cheek.

She slapped me.

I scoffed before saying “What do you want now?”

“I am sorry, son. I didn't want to slap you, and I wouldn't have, if you had behaved properly.” Her eyes teared up with her crocodile tears, as she put the blame on me.

I hated her with all my heart. She always does this. Manipulating me since I was kid, it's only now that I stopped believing her. But, she already managed to destroy my sanity long ago by calling me worthless.

“What do you want?” I ignored her explanation, and asked.

“I wanted to know why you were drinking.” She asked, penetrating me with her gaze.

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