06 | By hook or By crook

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and constructive feedback is appreciated💜

P.s. Don't be a silent reader.
(Not edited)

Early update..because ur comments inspired and motivated me..✨


Gorgeous. It was how she was looking. Wearing a white, long-sleeved cropped blouse with a sweetheart neckline, paired with black trousers. She was dressed with simplicity yet, the elegance and grace was radiating off her.

Golden cateye RayBan hiding her eyes while her hair were tied in a low pony with few strands left. Her lips painted with a Maroon colored lipstick. Everything about her screamed perfection, but there was one thing missing. A smile on her face.

The way she carried herself was praiseworthy. Her aura was as sophisticated as her dressing. How badly I wanted to go to her and introduce myself, but I held the urge back.

Pulling out my mobile, I discreetly took her picture.
I wanted to know who she was. The way she managed to capture my attention so easily without having any idea about it made me smile.

“Sir? Are you waiting for someone or would you like to order?” The waiter asked, and an idea popped up in my mind.

“Who will be serving that table?” I asked, sliding a €100 note on the table.

The guy stared at the note before speaking, “Whom do you want?”.
A smirk made its way to my lips as I cautiously passed him the money.


“Welcome to the Lotus café. What would you like to order?” I chirped, catching her attention, but what irked me was she wasn't alone this time. There was another guy with her.

Is he her boyfriend? Why is she with him? Different thoughts engulfed me, but not letting my smile faltered, I waited for them to answer.

“What is the best you offer?” My heart thumped against my chest, hearing her voice. It was angelic and melodious. The forced smile was replaced by a genuine one at the thought that everything about her is charming.

“Our café's steak kebabs are really delicious, and so is Mexican spaghetti.” I stated.

“What do you want to eat?” She asked the guy.

“I will have both. What about you?” He exclaimed.
She stared at him in disbelief before speaking
“Do you have a black hole instead of a stomach?”

“What do you expect? We have been shopping for the wedding tomorrow since morning! I am a human and I starve.” The guy exclaimed.

“Fine.” She agreed before staring at me.

“A plate of steak kebabs and two plates of Mexican spaghetti, along with two cans of soft drink.” She completed as I wrote down their order.

“Your order will be here soon.” I smiled before walking back to the counter, where the waiter from earlier was waiting for me.

“Two plates of Mexican spaghetti and a plate of steak kebabs with two soft drinks.” I told him as he nodded.

I walked to the corner, deciding to wait for the order to be ready. My eyes after roaming around went back to her.

The guy was speaking something and from her reaction, it seemed to annoy her. She was saying something but stopped. Her hand opened the black hand back she was carrying, and she took something out. It was a mobile.

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