23 | Drowning

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And Follow🌹

Constructive feedback is appreciated. (Not Edited)

Don't be a silent reader, dear munchkins❤

Kataleya's POV:

“If that's all the answers you need, let's end this meeting.” I concluded after an hour of answering to their query.

“We all have to agree. You were right when you said we all would be assured by the end of the meeting.” One of the board member exclaimed and the rest nodded their head in agreement.

I smirked at them and responded.
“Well, I never lie.”

Hearing my response, some of them chuckled and some just smiled.

“It's nice to have you as our CEO. Welcome Ms. Kataleya Hernández to the Hernández Corporation.” Mr. Miller smiled.

At the cue, rest of the board members gave a round of applause to welcome me to the company.

“I see most of you are thrilled now.” I smugly expressed to myself in a whisper.

“Then, Ladies and Gentleman, excuse me.” With that said, I left the meeting room with Mr. Miller and Kevin.

Stopping in the hallway, I turned to bid Mr. Miller.

“Your answers were impressive there.” He praised.

“I had to get them on my side, so it was necessary.” I responded and he agreed with my statement.

“Ms. Perez will lead you to your office and will  give a brief description of what's happening in here.” He explained, whilst checking time on his wrist watch.

“If that's all, I will take my leave now. I have somewhere to be at the moment.” He bid his farewell, heading to the opposite direction.

“Ms. Hernández, there's someone waiting for you in your office for half an hour.” Ms.Perez informed.

I scrunched my eyebrows perplexed as to having no idea who could be the one waiting.

I dismissed the topic with a careless nod of my head and strided towards my office.
It took us only few minutes to reach there. My hand gripped the door handle before pulling the door to my office.

My face embraced a nasty scowl when my eyes spotted a certain marble gray eyed devil.

I gave a nod to both Kevin and Ms. Perez, dismissing both of them.

I entered my new office, closing the door behind, before folding my hands on my chest  and glared at the annoying jerk.

‘Why is he a jerk?’ Diana questioned.

I didn't pay any head to her not because I was ignoring her, but because I had no answer to her question.

He is a human. I hate humans. And, I am stuck with him.

That's probably it, right?

‘I guess not.’ Diana replied to the question I asked myself.

My gaze looked at Enrico. He had his one arm resting on the arm of the sofa while the other one was holding his mobile. He was leaning back on the couch and he had his one leg crossed on the other.

He was seated without any care of the world as if he owned the world. And exactly that was what was making my skin crawl with irritation.

My hands itched with infuriation. All they wanted was to wrap themselves around his neck and strangle him. For no fucking reason.

His presence in itself was frustrating.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, glaring daggers at him.

“Me? I am here to attend to my duty.” He smirked.

“What duty?” My scowl deepened at his answer.

“You.” I scoffed at his answer before walking upto him.I stood between a sofa behind me, and the table in front of me. It was the table that was between our bodies, separating both of us.

I placed my palms on its surface and leaned down. Narrowing my eyes at him, I spat the words out.

“I do not have time for your useless games. Why are you here wasting my time?”

He rolled his eyes before grabbing a paper back and shoving it in my face.

“I already told you. As I vowed to be there for you, through sickness and health. You skipped your breakfast.” He exclaimed, removing the paper bag back from my face and pulling out two cupcakes and two coffees.

I stared at him bewildered. It was weird. Why is he being nice? What does he want? Or is he playing a trick to sway me away through woo-doo or some shit?

“You came here and waited for half an hour just to have breakfast together?” I asked in disbelief.

He nodded his head yes as if it was the most sane thing to do and said “Pretty much, yes.”

He is seriously getting on my nerves.

“You do know that you're impossible? Or did you hit your head somewhere? You were not nice in the beginning, what's your motive now?” I scrutinized every detail of his face, trying to find any clue or reaction. However, failing in such.

“There's no motive or whatsoever. Now, sit your ass down or I'll make you sit your ass down.” His threat didn't sound empty, and as much tempted I was to go against him, I overcame it.

I made myself comfortable on the couch, still not taking my eyes off him.

“It feels like you want to strangle me.” He stared at me with a grin.

I death stared at him and stated “Glad you know how I feel about your existence.”

I grabbed the muffin from his hand, our fingers slightly brushing each others. It felt like there was some electricity shot through my hand. I quickly pulled my hand back like it got burned.

What just happened?

While unwrapping the muffin wrapper, I tried to steal a glance at him, but instead, our eyes collided with each other.

This time, his gaze felt different. Last time, I couldn't see behind those eyes. However, it felt like I was drowning deeply in the story that hides behind them.

His eyes looked gorgeous. The marble gray eyes appeared as if the darkness of the night was covered with the silver fog. They were mesmerizing.

Were his eyes always this pretty? They were cold and mysterious but now, they were soft and deep. It felt like I was drowning in the ocean of his eyes, and It was my own fault.
I wasn't swimming on purpose, but I was letting him drown me into them.

Maybe it was the secrets behind those eyes which I pulled me and waited to be unravel that I dared to drown.

But, I know the consequences of drowning.  It will only end up suffocating and killing you.


A/N: How was it?

Your thoughts?
P.s. I am gonna make this story worth your precious wait❤

Anything you wanna see happening in the next chapter? You can drop ur recommendation here❤

And I hope you're liking the story so far.

Have a posssuuumest dayyy ahead!!

Lots of love


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