37 | Earth to Mr.Pierce

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♠ Not Edited♠
Andrew's POV:

My leg bounced up and down, while I stroke the nape of my neck to soothe myself.

Where is this person?

He told me to reach here exactly at 11 and he himself is fifteen minutes late.

I am assuming it's a ‘He’ because I really don't know whether it's a man or a woman.

My eyes darted around the café, observing the surroundings.

Weirdly, it was almost empty. Only few people were present, minus the staff.

The fragrance of perfume engulfed my senses, and I brought my attention to the culprit.

Proving my assumptions wrong, the unknown turned out to be a female.

I took in the appearance of the culprit. She was wearing a black body-con dress which ended to her mid-thighs.  A gold necklace, which seemed expensive, dangled down her neck.

A Gucci belt was wrapped around her waist and a long coat in a shade of brown, draped over her shoulders
She was wearing long black over the knee boots.

My eyes glanced at her face, which was covered with a black mask and her eyes hidden behind sunglasses.

The watch on her wrist and the rings on her finger made her appear sophisticated and assertive.

Even her hair were tied down in a perfect low bun with few strands out.

As she settled down in front of me, I spoke.

“You are late.”

“I had to make sure you were alone.” She answered.

Mu mouth went dry hearing her voice. There's no way I wasn't familiar with the voice.

I can easily guess this voice anywhere after hearing her for the first time.

As she removed her mask and sunglasses, my guess turned out to be correct.

It was her. It was Kataleya.

I don't know what happened, but it was like I lost my voice. As I tried to speak, there was no sound coming out from my mouth. It was like I forgot how to speak.

“Cat got your tongue, Mr. Pierce?” She raised an eyebrow, staring at me with her beautiful eyes.

I said a prayer in my head before trying to speak again. Thankfully, I didn't mess speaking this time.

“Do I know you?” I feigned innocence.

My fists were gripping the side of my pants tightly and there was a lump in my throat seeing her sitting in front of me.

My heart was racing furiously, and I could feel the bead of sweats forming on my forehead from the nervousness.

“So, you will pretend like you did not follow me? The bouquet and chocolates you sent, did you forget?” She crossed her arms in front of her chest and leaned back on the chair.

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