Chapter 1- The darkness

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Josie's POV
I woke up in a dark place. I didn't know where I was. I walked around for a bit, hoping to find a way out. It was so lonely and scary in here. I found a light and walked towards it. The light then disappeared and I turned around and seen some figure. It came right up to me.

?: Hi I'm Sebastian. You are?
J: Josie. Is there a way out of here?
S: Unfortunately not, I haven't found anything yet. Lights come and go.
J: Where are we?
S: You don't know?
J: No? Am I supposed to?
S: This place is hell. Not really but it's what all the others call it.
J: Oh okay. I'm gonna find a way out of here. I need to get back to Ho- my friends. I need to get back to my friends.
S: Well next light you see, run straight for it. It was nice meeting you Josie.

Sebastian held out his hand and I shook it. He walked away into the darkness and I walked away from him. After what felt like forever, I finally seen another light that looked like a door. I ran towards it instead of walked. Once I got to the light, I pulled on the door and it wouldn't budge.

J: Just great. Thanks Sebastian for such great advice. Fucking idiot.
S: If you read the sign beautiful, you'd see it says to push.
J: No it doesn-

I looked at the door and realize that it does say to push. I looked at Sebastian who was already gone. I pushed the door open and everything went black. I fainted.

Hope's POV
I was getting done with my walk when I seen a girl laying on the ground. She seemed so familiar for some reason but I knew I never seen her before. I picked her up and took her back to the school. Lizzie was standing there, waiting for me. That has been going on for awhile.

L: Who'd you find?
H: Uh I don't know, some sleeping lady I guess. Go get your dad please.

Lizzie ran inside and I slowly walked up the steps. After walking up the steps Dr. Saltzman came out. He took the girl to his office and Lizzie and I went to our classes. Lizzie wouldn't stop asking questions about that girl.

Dr Saltzman's POV
I took a girl from Hope and took her to my office. I laid her down on my couch and called Dorian into the office.

D: What's up Ric?
Dr. S: Make sure when she wakes up to get her food and question her about where she came from. Malivore and his monsters are still out there. Let's make sure she isn't a monster.
D: You got it Ric.

I walked out of my office and went to the library. I was going to research everything I could on Malivore. I found out it needed a werewolf, witch and vampire but I couldn't let Hope find out. She'd feel like she needed to sacrifice herself. I make sure to keep everything hidden about Malivore.

-Couple hours later-

Lizzie's POV
It's been a couple hours and I haven't seen Hope anywhere. I seen Rafael and his eyes were glowing. His eyes only glow when Landon and Hope are together. I look to see where Raf is looking and see Landon talking to Hope. Hope clearly seems pissed off. I wonder what mophead did this time. I walked up to them.

L: Hey guys.
La: Lizzie, tell Hope that everything will be okay with the new girl.
H: New girl? Who said that Ric was going to allow her into the school?
L: Why do you seem so pissed about it?
H: It doesn't matter, what matters is finding out why she's here. Landon took the knife, Ric threw out the Urn and for all we know we could have another ancient artifact here in this school.
L: She doesn't seem like she wants to harm anybody Hope. Just take a chill pill, will ya?
H: Not until I find out who she is.

Landon and I look at each other. Hope has completely lost her mind. That girl in my dads office couldn't have done anything to drastic. Not that we know of anyway.

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