Chapter 10- Letters

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Josie's POV

It's been a long morning, letters keep gravitating down to me. I don't know who they're from, mostly cause I don't open them. I've been trying to avoid Hope's room, I know she can smell my scent. It's been hard trying to avoid her room.

Lizzie has been with her other friends that she's made while I was gone. Dad checks up on me every now and then. Only reason I'm still here and missing school is because my dad told me to stay a little bit longer. I hardly came to see anybody, only reason I came here was to make sure Lizzie wasn't dead.

It's been a couple hours so far and the letters get worse and worse. I just keep shoving them in my bag. Whoever is sending them to me, isn't very patient. That makes me think of Hope, she's probably the one sending them somehow. I rush over to Hope's room, I need her to stop this non sense.

J: Hope!

H: So you finally read the letters.

J: No I didn't actually, I shoved them in my bag.

H: Oh, so why are you here?

J: To tell you to stop. I can't keep hiding them in my bag. My bag is getting full.

H: Then just read the letters.

J: Why should I give you the satisfaction of me reading them, for all I know it could be some trap for me to fall back into your arms.

H: Well then why are you here right now? From where I'm standing, which is behind a closed door, your talking to me. You're giving me the satisfaction of imagining you being annoyed right now with those letters.

J: This isn't no game Hope.

H: So now you think I'm trying to play some game, I've heard all about your plan with ms Finchy poo. You're playing her Josie, you're the one playing the games.

J: Ho- How did you find out?

H: Lizzie and I can still text you know that, right?

J: When did you guys become so close?

H: When you decided to jump into Malivore Jo.

J: I didn't jump in it for the last time. I got pushed into it.

H: Then who pushed you?

J: I don't know, I didn't get a good look.

Dad comes down the hallway and drags me away from Hope. He takes me into his office.

Dr: So I know you aren't going here anymore but I want you to meet our new student and you can also help her with a tour.

J: Okay, sure.

Dr: Okay, you may come in Ms. Rodriguez.

Whoever this girl is, she walks inside my dad's office. She's very pretty but she also looks like someone you shouldn't be friends with. I give her a fake smile and hopefully she doesn't see through how fake it is. She begins to talk.

Am: Hi I'm Amelia.

J: I'm Josette, but you can call me Josie. Shall we get this tour done and over with now?

Am: Yes I have a tight schedule.

J: Mhm I bet you do. Follow me.

We walk out of my dad's office and first thing I do is take her to the library.

J: So this is the-

Am: I can tell it's a library, no need for the basics.

J: You're... right. Sorry.

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