Chapter 32- Seth And His Minions

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Josie's POV

I've had a bunch of different people walk into the room that they held me in. I was still chained up and I haven't seen Sebastian. I need him to set me free. I see Sebastian walk in and I look down at his fingers and see an illusion ring on a finger.

J: Seth, playing as Sebastian. Smart.

Se: You seemed almost excited to see him walk in. He's dead by the way.

J: Who killed him?

Se: I did, I overheard your conversation.

Seth took the ring off. He smirked and I had my usual pouty face on. He chuckled and circled around me.

Se: Let's play a game.

J: I'm not in the mood for games.

Seth took the chains off and dropped them onto the floor.

Se: I do so if you get out, you can be free. Hope will be here in any minute. I've been making a witch put burn marks on her. Hope probably thinks it's you sending them.

J: Can you get to the point?

Se: Fine, if you make it out alive, then Lizzie dies. If you don't make it out alive and you're dead then Hope turns her humanity off for good. So pick which one you want.

J: I don't want to play anymore.

Se: Oh come on.

I stand up and look at Seth.

J: Let's fight.

Se: So you're asking to die?

J: I have something you want, right? You want Hope's power, well I know her weak points. If I win, you set me free and you can't kill Lizzie and you have to leave me and my friends alone. If you win, you get Hope's power by using that illusion ring to act as me.

Se: Ah I like this. You're smart.

I smirked and he smiled. I know how to win. I just have to get close to him as much as possible and siphon him to death. It won't be easy but I have to try.

Se: Are you ready?

J: Yeah, I guess.

Se: So the fight begins.

J: Yep.

Seth smirked and I uncrossed my arms. I quickly ran outside the door and he vamped over to me. I slammed the door in his face and ran down the stairs as fast as I could. I looked around and everyone seemed confused. I ran into the kitchen, grabbed a knife and ducked down. I opened cabinets and found Sebastian's dead body. He was staked, I grabbed the stake and sharpened it.

Seth held me up by the throat and pinned me up against a wall. I looked down and realized I dropped the stake. I put my hands on his arm and began to siphon him. He dropped me and I backed up.

Se: You little bit-

Seth fell onto the ground and I seen Hope. I looked at her hands and I didn't see any illusion ring and I stood up. Hope helped me up a little bit and we hugged. I looked down at Seth and seen a stake in his heart.

H: You're okay, everything will be okay.

J: Just hold me, and don't let go.

H: Of course love.

We stayed in the hugging position for what seemed like hours. I looked at Lizzie who was standing behind Hope. I smiled and Lizzie gave me a small smile.

H: Lizzie can you take Josie. I have some unfinished business.

Li: Yeah, sure.

Lizzie came over and hugged me. I hugged back and Hope walked out of the room.

J: I missed you Lizzie.

Li: I missed you too sis.

J: How is everyone at school?

Li: Wouldn't know, Hope took me along on this trip and she wouldn't answer anyone's calls or texts. Also she has a nice body.

I pulled away from the hug and crossed my arms. Lizzie laughs and looks at me.

Li: She kept getting these burn marks from you, telling us where you were. She had to take her shirt off so I could write down the burn marks.

J: So uh noting happened?

Li: No, ew. Of course not, I could never get with her.

J: What's wrong with being with Hope?

Li: She argues a lot.

J: What happened?

Li: She wouldn't put a shirt on, she smelt like burnt flesh the whole time, she was just not a good road trip person to be with. I'm surprised you can even deal with her this long.

I chuckle and Lizzie crosses her arms. She gives me the death stare and I laugh some more. Lizzie rolled her eyes. Hope comes back and she's all bloody.

J: Who's blood is that?

H: Seth's minions.

J: So where are the little ones?

H: Not here, look I want to hurt them but you seem like you're in one piece so I won't hurt them.

J: Hope.

H: They seriously aren't here.

J: Where are they?

Li: Well let's go home. I'm tired and Hope, talk to Josie about you always waking up at 4AM when we get back.

H: Lizzie. Don't bring that up.

Li: What I don't even know why you're waking up that early, Josie deserves to know.

H: She'll know when we talk but let's go back to the school.

Lizzie nods and we all leave the building. We drive back to the school and hopefully Hope doesn't get the urge to kill anyone else.

Author's Note: I know this is short but I have no idea on what else to write about. I hope you guys are all enjoying these chapters even if they seem a bit overdramatic. Alright so I did have this in my drafts. I changed it up a bit. No the little ones aren't evil. Later on they'll find the kids, eventually.

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