Chapter 45- Finally Back

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Hope's POV

I woke up early and went to the airport. I got on the first plane to Mystic Falls or somewhere close to it. It'd be a long plane ride but it'd be worth it.

Josie's POV

I woke up and seen Lizzie was already gone. I slowly sat up and Lizzie came in with breakfast. She looked at me and smiled.

J: This is new.

Li: Well you always take care of everyone else so I decided to take care of you.

J: Thank you Lizzie.

Lizzie nods and hands me my food. I eat my food and Lizzie walks out of the room. Rebekah walks in and sits down.

Re: So Hope is on her way here.

J: How do you know?

Re: She told me. She'll be here by 5:30.

I nod and Rebekah left the room. I finished my food and got up out of bed. I got dressed for the day and walked up to Lizzie.

Li: There you are.

J: Uh you just seen me not to long ago.

Li: That's besides the point. We need to start a tour today.

J: Who will we be touring?

Li: I don't know, dad hasn't given me much information on it.

J: Okay well let's go ask him about it.

Lizzie nods and we make our way to our fathers office.

Couple Hours Later

After the tour, the new guy grabbed onto my arm. I looked at him and he dropped his arm.

J: Is everything okay?

?: Yeah, sure, my name is Alex by the way.

J: That's nice to know.

Al: Yeah, could we be friends?

J: Of course. Let me go introduce you to Mg and Kaleb and you guys can talk about comic books or whatever you guys have in common.

Al: Can we do that another day? I want to get to know you.

J: Oh well I have somewhere I have to be but I guess we could get to know each other.

He smiled and we walked to the cafeteria. We sat down and he seemed nervous to talk.

J: Are you sure everything's okay?

Al: Yeah, just nervous.

J: Why would you be nervous?

Al: Because this is a new place for me.

J: You'll be fine. Everyone here is like family.

Al: Really?

I nod and he smiles. I smile back at him and Mg came up to us.

Mg: Hey, someone wants to talk to.

J: Who?

Mg: Go and find out.

I looked over at Alex and he nodded. I looked at Mg and he said he'd hang out with Alex. I get up and walked to the front of the school. I seen Hope was talking to my father. I walked up to them and my dad walked off.

J: What was that about?

H: It was nothing important. How is everything?

J: The same as when you left.

H: But this time your with Finch again.

J: Right, about that.

H: What about it?

J: Finch and I broke up.

H: Oh, are you okay?

J: Yeah, I'm good.

Lizzie walked up to us and smiled.

Li: I say you guys go for a walk and catch up with each other.

H: I'd like that, but only if it's okay with Jo.

Lizzie looked at me and I nodded. Of course I'm okay with that. I looked at Hope and she smiled.

H: We'll be back soon.

Li: Have fun lovebirds.

Hope looked at me and I shrugged. Lizzie walked off and me and Hope walked outside of the school.

J: How was your mission?

H: It was eventful but good.

J: What was good about it?

H: Let's not talk about that.

J: If you found someone else you can tell me.

H: No it's not that, I just think it's best to keep it private.

J: Oh uh okay then. Forget I asked then.

H: You aren't upset, are you?

J: No, not at all.

H: I could tell you some other time but my aunt just needed a break from killing all my fathers enemies so she suggested to come here.

J: Well I'm glad you came.

H: Me too.

I smiled and we stopped at the docks. We sat down and watched the starry night sky. We were in complete silence. A couple minutes later and Hope broke the silence.

H: I'm sorry.

J: For what?

H: Giving you that letter instead of coming back to you.

J: No it's okay. You explained yourself.

H: Are you sure?

J: Yeah after that night I couldn't use it because of-

H: Finch. I know.

J: How?

H: Because knowing you, you'd probably tap that bracelet everyday.

J: Probably.

We laughed and we heard a twig snap. We turned around and seen a lady peer out of the woods. Hope quickly stood up. Whoever this was, Hope must've came in contact with them on her mission.

Authors Note: Yes it's short but I have no idea what else to write for this chapter so enjoy this for now.

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