Chapter 23- Thanksgiving Day <3

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Hope's POV

It was now Thanksgiving day. The most wonderful day of all. Today was the day I'd ask out Josie. Hopefully nothing ruins this day. I have a good feeling about today. Aunt Freya has decided to have a 'family' Thanksgiving with the Saltzman. It actually helps me out a lot. I don't have to go around asking if it's okay to hang out with another family.

Everyone was rushing around, getting things around. The usual Thanksgiving day dinner. Everyone was out of school and on holiday. Josie finally came back to the Salvatore Boarding School. Lizzie and Mg started dating a couple days before Thanksgiving. I'm happy for Mg, they both look cute together.

I've been walking around the Saltzman's house all morning. Dr. Saltzman normally keeps a house for the holidays. Caroline was supposed to be coming down from Europe as well. Dr. Saltzman apparently wants to talk to me as well. But only after dinner.

I join Lizzie, Mg and Josie in the living room. Lizzie and Mg cuddled up to together. I wrapped my arm around Josie and she leaned in my side with her head on my shoulder. I smiled and caught Mg looking at us.

H: I seen that Mg.

Mg: No you didn't. You're crazy.

H: Mmm am I now?

Mg: Yeah, you very much are.

Everyone chuckles except for Josie. I looked at Josie and Mg and Lizzie leave the living room. Josie sits up and looks at me.

H: Everything okay?

J: Yeah, we should go get a snack.

Josie smiles and gets up. I lay down on the couch and Josie tries to get me up.

J: Come on, let's go get something to eat.

H: What's the magic word?

J: Please?

H: And?

J: Please and thank you.

Josie rolls her eyes and I chuckle. I get up and we walk into the kitchen, hand in hand. Once we got in the kitchen, Mg is already in there. Where did Lizzie go.

Mg: Lizzie went to the bathroom.

H: It's like you read my mind Mg.

Mg: I'm just a genius like that.

We both chuckle and Josie grabs a snack. I look at Mg and he pulls me aside.

Mg: When are you doing it?

H: Whenever I get to it.

Mg: Okay. I just need to know when so we can do the after thing.

H: Don't worry Mg. I'll do it.

Mg nods and we go back into the kitchen. Josie is still eating her snack. Aunt Freya and Rebekah walk inside. All the guys are holding things and walking inside. Uncle Kol and Aunt Davina said they wouldn't make it til late late.

Everybody but Josie and Lizzie knows what I'm doing tonight. They know I'm asking Josie to finally be mine. I just have to know when. My Aunt Rebekah will signal me when to go. This should be the perfect plan, hopefully.

A Couple Hours Past

Josie's POV

It has been a couple hours, I haven't seen Hope. She left with her aunt Rebekah to help with something. I'm happy she's so helpful with everyone. I look around and walk up to Freya.

Fr: Hey kiddo.

J: Is there anything I can help with?

Fr: Maybe go get the door.

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