Chapter 42- The Letter

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Josie's POV

After tapping on my bracelet that Hope gave me, a letter appeared. I grabbed it and opened it. I read it and frowned a little bit.

The Letter:

Dear Josette,

I'm sorry I won't be able to make it tonight. I will defiantly try to come see you next time. Something has come up and I can't let you get hurt. I understand if this hurts you, I wish I was there with you right now. I have to stay away for awhile. Take care of yourself Josie.

After reading the letter, I put the bracelet up. I heard a knock on my door and I opened it up. Finch was standing there and I gave her a small smile.

Fi: This is new.

J: So when is our date?

Fi: Wait are you being serious?

J: Yeah, why wouldn't I be serious?

Fi: Because last night you were out of it and when you told me today that you didn't remember any of it I got a little upset and decided to ask you now.

J: Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow night then unless you'd like to stay?

Fi: Would your sister be okay with that?

J: She'd have to deal with it.

Fi: What about you and Hope?

J: She decided to skip town so don't worry about her.

Finch smiles and walks inside. I frowned and closed the door. I laid down in bed and Finch laid down next to me. I snuggled up to her and we were both about to fall asleep until Lizzie barged in.

Li: Nope, what is she doing here?

J: Lizzie, don't be mean.

Li: We need to talk.

J: No we don't.

Li: Yes we do.

Lizzie grabbed my arm and dragged me outside our room. She closed the door and I crossed my arms.

Li: What's the matter with you?

J: Nothing.

Li: Really because Hope left yesterday and you're already running back to Finch even though she tried to kill your lover two nights ago.

J: Hope left us so I don't know why you're so mad about me getting back with Finch.

Li: We both know why she left. She wants to protect you, she doesn't want you to sleep around with some emo chick who basically tried to kill her.

J: Hope is probably not even going to come back so just drop it.

Li: I'm staying with Mg until you guys end things for good.

J: Goodbye then.

I walked back inside the room and seen Finch sitting up.

Fi: I should go.

J: No it's fine, just stay here.

Finch nods and I lay down next to her. I cuddle up to her and we both fall asleep.

Lizzie's POV

I barge into Mg's room after talking with Josie. He looks at me and I sit down on his bed.

Mg: Everything okay?

Li: Josie is on my last nerves.

Mg: Why?

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