Chapter 34- Avoiding

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Mg's POV

It was now the next morning, Hope and Josie have officially broken up. Hope hardly comes out of her room, Josie has been trying to keep herself busy. Whatever happened, seems to have got Lizzie in a good mood. I walk up to her and she looks at me.

Li: Hi Mg!

Mg: Lizzie, why are you so happy when Hope and Josie just broke up.

Li: Okay, it's not what it looks like but uh I got something important to tell you.

Mg: Okay?

Li: Hope is absolutely in love with Josie. Have you heard?

Mg: They broke up Liz.

Li: Hope didn't actually cheat. She was a victim. Landon basically forced himself on her.

Mg: What are you getting at?

Li: We have to work our magic.

Mg: Lizzie.

Lizzie walks off and I follow after her.

Li: We just have to make Josie see the truth.

Mg: How, she's literally been on a rampage all morning.

Li: We just have to get everyone to go to Hope's party. You head dive into Hope's head and get the scene. Then go to Josie. Everything will be perfect.

Mg: Or we stay out of it?

Li: Hope and Josie are literally the power couple Mg. This whole school will give up love if they don't get back together, Like look at the sky.

I looked at the sky and it was gloomy. I looked at Lizzie and chuckled,

Mg: It's just the weather.

Li: After Hope and Josie break up? What a coincidence?

Mg: You're thinking way to much about this. Maybe this will be good for them?

Li: I thought you wanted them to get together too?

Mg: I do want them together but not to get forced. They'll talk on their own time.

Li: Fine and if they aren't back together by the time I graduate, I will do every single love potion known to man.

Mg: Okay Lizzie.

I walk off and go to class.

Hope's POV

I've been in my room for the entire morning. I haven't moved from my bed but I decide to stop moping around so I stand and right when I stand up, I hear a knock. I opened my door and seen Landon.

H: I can't be seen with you. Leave.

La: Look, I'm sorry about the whole thing. I thought you would've kept it a secret.

H: No, I can't lie to Josie, Landon. Why'd you do it anyway?

La: I- it was just the heat of the moment, okay?

H: No that's not a good explanation Landon. You ruined my relationship with Josie because of it.

La: That's the only explanation I have, I'm sorry okay.

H: Leave Landon.

La: Fine, I'm sorry.

Landon leaves and I slam my door. I have my back up against my door and I sigh. A couple minutes go by and I hear another knock on my door. I swear to god if this is Landon. I opened the door.

H: Landon I swear to god if you came back with some lame ass excuse again-

I seen Josie standing there. She had her arms wrapped around her books. I gulped and she seemed like she's been up all night. I look down, knowing I'm the cause of her pain.

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