Chapter 39- Goodbye

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Lizzie's POV

I woke up to our door wide open. I quickly stand up and Josie seems scared. I look at Finch and she looks insane.

Li: What's going on here?

Fi: Your slut sister broke up with me.

J: You've got to be kidding, don't pretend like I didn't see like 20 different girls run out of your room.

Fi: They were all my friends!

J: Friends don't run out of their friends rooms shirtless!

Li: I think we should all breathe.

Fi: Breathe! You want me to breathe when Josie cheated on me!

Li: To be fair you did also cheat.

Mg: Lizzie you aren't helping.

I look at Mg and he puts his hands up. I look back at Josie and Finch.

J: Finch just go.

Fi: Not until you tell me you love me.

J: I don't love you Finch. I'm in love with Hope, it's always going to be Hope.

Hope rushed into the room and looked at me. I shrugged and she shook her head.

H: What's with all the yelling?

Fi: I'm trying to get Josie back.

H: Finch, I think you should rest.

Fi: Not until I get her back. I'll do whatever I have to.

H: I'm serious. Go get some rest.

Finch turned around and pressed something up against Hope's chest. Hope put her hands up. I seen something red glow in the corner of my eyes. Josie was siphoning the table.

Fi: I'm getting her back and I'll kill you if I have to.

Josie mumbled something under her breath and Finch fell to the ground. Hope quickly caught her and laid her down gently. She looked at Josie and Josie walked over to her.

Li: Mg could you take Finch back to her room please.

Mg: Of course.

Mg got up and Hope and Josie were hugging. I smiled and laid back down.

Li: Goodnight lovebirds.

J: Goodnight Lizzie.

Mg came back and we both fell asleep.

Josie's POV

My heart was still pounding. I couldn't believe what was happening. Everything went to shit tonight. I laid down in bed and Hope sat next to me.

H: Goodnight Josie.

J: I think you should stay.

H: No, I couldn't possibly do that.

J: Why not?

H: Because you might be in danger because of me and I don't want that for you.

J: You can't leave the school though.

H: Actually I'm going somewhere tomorrow morning.

J: Since when?

H: I need to find out who's hunting me. Raf didn't say who or where they were hiding but I also didn't stick around to find out.

J: Let me come with?

H: No it'd be too dangerous for you.

J: Hope please don't leave.

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