Chapter 36- I Shouldn't Do This

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Author's Note: Smut warning btw, probably the last time I'll be writing smut for a good while because I know it's bad but hey merry Christmas.

Josie's POV

I helped everyone get back to the school. It was a lot harder then I thought. I ran to my dad's office and he looked up from his papers.

J: Dad, I need your help.

Dr: With what?

J: Come look.

I took him over to everyone who was passed out because Hope. I looked at my dad and he took a sip of his bourbon.

Dr: Get them into the nurse. What happened?

H: I happened.

We turned around and seen Hope. she was smirking and I crossed my arms and realized she mocked me earlier and uncrossed my arms. She laughed and sat down at the stairs.

H: Don't worry, they'll wake up.

Dr: Hope what did you do?

H: Hope what did you do. Uh I think it's pretty noticeable, I mean you do have three knocked out students on your yard. Could've been four but I was generous.

She mocked my dad. I can't believe her, she was going crazy tonight.

Dr: Hope turn it on.

H: Oh Ric, I didn't even turn it off. It's so sad that you'd think so low of me.

Everyone was sitting up. Hope frowned and I smiled. Hope looked at me and my smiled turned into a frown. She smirked and I crossed my arms, not caring at this point.

H: You act like pouting will get you somewhere Josette.

J: Well it defiantly got me somewhere with you.

H: Oh really and what was that?

J: You fell in love with me.

H: Then I cheated on you, yeah cause that's totally love.

J: You literally begged me to hear your explanation and continued to say sorry.

H: Moment of weakness, don't care it's in the past.

J: So look at me right now and tell me that we didn't mean anything to you. That I never meant a thing to you.

Hope got up and walked up to me. We were inches apart and I could feel her hot breathe on my lips.

H: Me and you... didn't mean anything

J: Say it without stopping in between sentences

H: I can't do that.

J: Why not?

H: Because I can't see you hurt anymore.

Hope backed up and everyone was groaning now. I looked down and helped everyone up. I looked back to where Hope was standing and she was gone. I looked at my dad and he pulled me into a hug.

Dr: I'm so sorry.

J: Don't be, Hope is the one who should be sorry, not you.

We stayed in the hugging position for quite some time. After awhile, I went up to my room. Nobody else was near, I opened my door and see Hope on my bed. I sighed.

J: Now you're just playing with me.

H: You think so?

J: Yeah, get out.

H: How's Finch doing?

J: yeah, cause you care so much about her.

H: I don't care about her, I care about you and you care about Finch.

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