Chapter 22- Transitioning

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Author's Note: So this will be a short chapter. It'll only focus on Josie transitioning and all of that. Also I do just want to clear up some things just in case you guys have questions you're afraid to ask. Amelia was telling some lies and some truths. Amelia obviously wanted to see Josie in pain that's why she talked to Josie about the Merge thing first and the 'loophole'. There is a loophole but it's not the whole wolf/siphoner and heretic thing. It's something else. It's a basic hosie fanfic in a way. I'm sure you guys can take a good wild guess. It's basically in every fanfic we've ever read about. Yes I made the hybrid/heretic thing for no reason. I thought in the moment of writing the chapters that Hope could have somebody to run with even if it's only on full moons. But there will be a plot twist somewhere in this fanfic. Also I know it's taking them awhile, like a god damn while to officially get together. Right now they're friends with benefits but with massive ass feelings involved. Pedro will be coming in more. I don't know what else to do with the rest of the characters if I'm being honest. There are many many obstacles to come. Also I ended up making this around November since it was almost Thanksgiving. Only like a couple more weeks and we all get to eat a bunch of food and hang out with the fam ig. Idk i'm not huge in holidays. Also I hope everyone is doing very well in school if not, y'all need to do your work. Get your education. Anyways jokes aside for the most part, I hope you guys are doing good. I love you all (you guys better say it back, it's rude if you don't, jkjk) and i hope you enjoy this chapter <3

Hope's POV

I carry the bag out to the Old Mill, Josie is following me. I turn around and look at Josie, stopping in my tracks. She's looking down.

H: What's wrong?

J: Does it hurt?

H: Everything hurts love.

J: So it does?

H: Your bones break, of course it hurts.

Josie started to play with her fingers. I walk up to her and hold her hand and she looks at me.

H: I will be here the whole time to guide you through it.

J: You promise?

H: Yes. Now come on before you end up breaking your bones here.

We began to walk towards the Old Mill. I hold Josie's hand throughout the walk. Her heart is pounding fast. We finally reached the Old Mill. I hold both of her hands once again and we both stare into each other's eyes.

H: You'll be okay. I promise.

J: What if-

H: You'll be okay. Just don't fight the pain. Let the pain in.

J: What?

Josie's POV

H: You'll be okay. Just don't fight the pain. Let the pain in.

I can't believe what I'm hearing. Wouldn't it just hurt more.

J: What?

H: Let the pain in. It'll help the transition go faster then you'd think.

I fall to the ground, feeling my bones break.

J: H-hope it hur-hurts.

H: Let the pain in Jo.

Hope kneels down in front of me. I feel more bones break. It hurts so bad.

H: Let it in. Don't fight it.

J: I- it's so h-hard Hope.

H: I know but you got this. Just stop fighting it.

I try my best to get a nod out but it doesn't work. I decide it's best to stop fighting the pain. I listened to Hope and allowed myself to feel my bones breaking. I stopped fighting the pain.

H: Now when this is all over, don't wait for me. Run wild and free love.

Hope looked around and looked back at me.

H: It's okay, a couple more breaks and you're done.

After all the bone breaking, I fully transitioned into a wolf. I looked at Hope and she smiles. I whimper and she points out into the woods.

H: Run wild and free.

I nod and ran off of. Without Hope I'd probably be in a transitioning cell, fighting the pain. I owe Hope everything.

Another Authors Note: Heyyy, welcome to another authors note. I bet these get real annoying. Anyways I'm not gonna talk about Hope transitioning, we see her transition on TV soooo you guys can just watch The Originals if you're that curious. Like I said before this was gonna be a short chapter. I don't know what else to write about it for the chapter. There has been a lot going on, I'm surprised I even got chapters out while going through all the drama. Now if you have any questions, pls ask. I will answer them, unless it's "When is hope and josie getting together" that I cannot tell you. I'll probably ignore the question or just say "soon". It's probably frustrating for them not to be together officially like that. Don't worry I am getting to that part. Just wait. It'll be the semi most romantic thing you have ever read about. Hopefully anyways once again I hope you guys enjoyed this <3. Also the next chapter will be posted around Thanksgiving. So you guys will have to wait awhile, the chapter is already in the drafts btw. i'm kinda excited for you guys to see it.

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