Chapter 15- A Plan

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Mg's POV

It was now the next morning, Hope never came back. Dr. Saltzman and Josie came back. They explained everything. Lizzie was still nowhere to be found. Josie looked like she had barely slept. I look up at the door and see Finch walking in.

I nudged Josie and told her to look at the door. Josie looked and walked up to her. Finch seems like she's barely slept too. I wonder what happened between them.

Josie's POV

Finch finally came, I needed to talk to her. I need to make things right between us. She looks just as nervous as I am.

Fi: What's up?

J: I need to explain something about last night.

Fi: Okay?

J: I'm sorry, it was wrong I know. My sister brought it up. I used to have a thing for Hope but I don't anymore.

Now I'm just lying to myself. I obviously have a thing for Hope. I just feel like Finch would be better for me for right now. Finch will not be a forever thing.

Fi: Then why talk about her?

J: Lizzie is a nosy type of person. I didn't tell her that Hope actually ended things with me before we could get to serious.

Of course another lie Josette. Just tell her the damn truth. She deserves that much out of me. Finch crosses her arms, I gulp and she begins to talk.

Fi: You still have a thing for her.

J: What do you mean?

Fi: You smile around her, you have the longingly stares, way too long of stares by the way. Plus it's just the way you look at her.

J: I don't look at her any differently then when I look at you.

Fi: Yes you do, you just haven't noticed it yet.

J: Look, please just give me a chance.

Fi: Why?

J: Because I actually want to try us believe it or not. I want to be with you.

I start to question myself. Do I actually wanna be with Finch? Do I want to risk everything? What if Hope is the right choice? Only one can find out.

Fi: Fine, date tomorrow night.

J: Okay. I'll see you tomorrow night then.

Finch nods and walks out of the door. I turn around and see Mg looking at me. I give him a small smile and we go back to researching. Dad wanted us to research, even if we already know what we're up against.

Landon's POV

Tonight is my date night with Amelia. Obviously there has been some minor changes. There's a plan behind this date. Dr. Saltzman needs me to get information on Amelia. That's all he really wanted from me ever since I had to ask her out.

I helped Josie set everything up. I don't want to lie to Amelia even if she's going to lie to me tonight. Josie seems a little stressed with everything. I stop her from doing anymore work.

La: What's going on?

J: Let's just get this done.

La: No. Talk to me Jo.

J: Amelia is apparently my cousin, Lizzie is missing and so is Hope. I have a date with Finch tomorrow night.

La: Oh wow so you're just dealing with a lot. Star wars always helps me out, it keeps me distracted. Or maybe Harry Potter if you like that.

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