Chapter 30- Hope Has Gone Crazy

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Hope's POV

Josie didn't come back to her room after a couple hours. I opened Josie's bedroom door and Lizzie stood in front of me.

Li: Hope? Why are you here?

H: Josie is in trouble.

Li: What do you mean?

H: I don't have time to talk Lizzie. I have to find her.

Li: You're storming out of mine and my sisters room like a maniac. What's going on?

H: Lizzie, move.

Lizzie moved out of the way. I bumped into Mg and he grabbed my wrist. I threw him up against a wall.

H: Mg stay out of my way.

Mg: Okay, sorry.

I walked off and walked up to the little kids room. I kicked the door down and I seen nobody in the room. Where could they have gone? I turned around and seen Dr Saltzman with his crossbow.

Dr: Hope, stop right now. you're scaring the others.

H: You want me to stop, Josie is missing Dr. Saltzman.

Dr: And we'll find her. You just need to sit this out.

H: Sit this out, she could be dead.

Dr: I didn't want to do this.

He shot his crossbow and I dodged the arrow. I smirked and walked up to him. I grabbed his crossbow and broke it.

H: Try shooting me again and it won't be your crossbow.

Dr. Saltzman gulped and I walked off. I have to find Josie. Landon walks up to me.

H: If you're hear to stop me, sit it out. Everyone else has failed.

La: Can you at least calm down?

H: Calm down? No I can't, I have to find Josie. I'll kill everyone if I have to.

La: Hope, listen to me.

H: Too late.

I snapped his neck and walked back to Josie's room. I grabbed one of her shirts and went into Dr. Saltzman's office. I picked up and map and walked out. Lizzie walked up to me and I smiled.

H: Perfect.

Li: What?

H: Oh nothing.

Lizzie stood next to me and I grabbed a knife and cut Lizzie hand after placing the map down. She groaned and I squeezed her hand over the map and blood came out.

H: I guess I didn't need this.

I hand the shirt back to Lizzie and she hesitantly takes it. I looked at the map and see it's not moving. I sit down and look at Lizzie.

H: Go pack a bag.

Li: For what?

H: Josie will need a fresh new pair of clothes.

Li: We don't even know where she's at.

I looked backed at the paper and see that they were in Georgia. I looked up at Lizzie and smiled.

H: Time to kill the little ones, once and for all.

Li: You don't mean that.

H: Go pack a bag.

Li: Fine.

Lizzie walked off and I went back to looking at the map. Josie, my love I will find you. I'll get you back home.

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