Chapter 2- Mg's best friend

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Lizzie's POV
I woke up early in the morning. I had to find out more things about Josie. The only person who had a real conversation with Josie was Mg. I go to his room and knock as loud as I can. Mg opens his door.

Mg: What?
L: What'd you and this Josie chick talk about?
Mg: Just something about Malivore. Why?
L: Nothing else?
Mg: We talked about her family.
L: What'd she say?
Mg: They go to this school.
L: You know what, thanks Mg but I'm gonna go interrogate her myself now. Bye.
Mg: Bye?

I turn around and walked away from him. I walked into my dads office. He looked up and gave me a small smile and looked back down.

Dr: Goodmorning.
L: Goodmorning. Can I talk to this Josie chick?
Dr: It could be dangerous.
L: Just let me down there. I can get more things out of her.
Dr: Mg already tried. Hope attempted but got nowhere. Dorian also tried. I don't think she'll open up.
L: She just needs the right motivation.
Dr: Like what?
L: Her favorite food duh. I think she likes pancakes, strawberries and apple juice.
Dr: How do you know that?

Dad looks at me confused and I realized what I just said. My eyes widen and I sit down quickly in a chair. I grab the glass of water on my dads desk and drank it.

L: I don't know how I knew that. It felt like it was just easy to remember.
Dr: Just go get Josie some food.
L: Okay dad. I'll see you later.

I walked out of his office and quickly made my way to the cafeteria. I see Hope sitting by Landon. I walk up to them.

L: You seem like you could use some saving from Frodo here.
La: What?
L: Not now bird brain. Hope I need your help.
H: With?
L: The new girl.
H: Fine, with what?
L: Getting her breakfast. I can't deliver it to her but you can.
H: Why can't you?
L: Actually never mind, I'll just do it. I don't even know why I asked you that.

I walked off and grabbed some food. After grabbing the food, I walked to the basement where the cell was. Mg helped me open and close the door. I looked at Josie and she was sitting up, meditating.

L: Knock knock.
J: Who's there?
L: The one and only Lizzie Saltzman. I brought you your favorites. I don't even know how I remember them because I don't know you like that.
J: Must be the twin thing.
L: Twin thing?
J: Nevermind. Thanks for breakfast.

I paced back and forth, thinking of questions to ask her. She continued to eat her breakfast. Landon came down the stairs.

La: Lizzie.
L: What muppet?
La: Hope needs you.
L: For what?
La: I don't know. Just go to her. I'll watch Josie.

I nod and ran off to Hope.

Landon's POV
After I told Lizzie to go off to Hope, I smirk at Josie. She looks at me confused and backs up into the corner.

La: I remember you.
J: What do you mean?
La: I was with Alyssa, she was researching about memories. Alyssa and I walked away from the school and she chanted the spell. Now I'm here.
J: So Hope didn't really need Lizzie?
La: Correct. Why'd you come back? I'm glad your back but why?
J: I wanted to see my friends, my family.
La: They don't even remember you Jo.
J: Then help me make them remember me Landon.
La: I can't. I made a deal with Alyssa.

Josie looks at me like I'm stupid. I shrug my shoulders and Josie started to talk.

J: What was the deal? You should know to never trust Chang. You've seen what she did. You've heard what she's done.
La: People can change Jos.
J: Not Alyssa. She can't change.
La: I doubt that.
J: What was the deal Landon?
La: She wanted me to get Lizzie away from you and if I did that, then she can give people their memories back.
J: She's gonna double cross you. You know that right?
La: I was already three steps ahead of her. Hope is obviously setting a trap around the gym which is where Lizzie should be to "meet" Hope.
J: So your using my sister as bait!?
La: It's not like-
J: Don't even finish that.
La: Just let me explain. Hear me out.
J: You don't get to explain anymore Landon. You made my sister bait, what if the plan doesn't work.
La: That's why I need you to absorb this.

I show her the hour glass that Dr. Saltzman kept. Just in case of emergencies. It had some sort of black cloud in it. I didn't know what it was but it seemed like Josie knew.

J: No. You can't be serious.
La: What? It's better then staying in this cage.
J: No, stop the plan Landon.
La: It's already in motion.
J: Let me out right now.
La: Take the black cloud then.
J: Fine. Give it to me.

I hand her it and she takes it. She breaks the hour glass and she absorbed the black cloud. Josie's eyes turned black and then she opened the cell. She walked up the stairs and I ran to the gym.

La: Watch out. Josie's coming through guys.
H: What do you mean? Our plan was to keep her out of it.

The doors blew open and she stepped through it. Hope gives me the death glare and I smile a tiny bit. Lizzie was wrapped up in a chair and Alyssa was next to her, knocked out. I realized Josie said some spell under her breathe and I passed out.

Hope's POV
Landon was passed out. It was now only me and this random girl that had absorbed all the black magic. I said every spell I knew and it wasn't affecting her completely.

Dark Josie: You have got to do better than that.
H: I don't know you but I can tell you're a sweet person. Please let go of the black magic that Landon gave to you. Look me in the eyes and let it go. We can put it back into a container. Store it in the bottom of the ocean or maybe even a prison world.
DJ: How about no?
H: Just hear me out.
DJ: Already tried, you're boring.
H: Quick question.
DJ: What?

She rolled her eyes and I gave her the best sympathy look I could. She crossed her arms.

H: Did we have something special?
DJ: What do you mean?
H: Were we ever together?
DJ: Not officially.

I seen her eyes soften a little bit and I quickly said a spell and every single black magic floated into the container I had next to me. I look at it and quickly closed the lid. Josie fell to the ground and I quickly got to her before she could hit the ground. Lizzie started to wake up, along with Alyssa.

L: What happened here? and Why is she in the gym?
H: I'll tell you later.

I picked Josie up and took her to my room instead of the cell. I quickly texted Ric that I had Josie and that she was somewhat safe. I sat down in a chair in the corner of my room. Whoever this girl is, she must've been special to me. Mg has told me a bit about his conversation with her, now it's my turn to talk to her.

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