Chapter 4- Trouble

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Hope's POV
Dr. Saltzman took us into his office. I know what his speech will be. He told us to sit down and we did as told.

Dr: Okay well Hope you already know this whole speech. If you do go out more then please be back earlier instead of staying out past 12am.
H: You got it sir.
Dr: Now Josie why were you out there?
J: Just doing as told from our last talk.
Dr: Okay well I'm sure you have somewhere to be Hope?
H: Yeah I have to go meet up with Mg cause he wanted to talk earlier.
Dr: Alright well I'll talk to you tomorrow. Josie go get packed for Mystic Falls.

Josie's nods at Dr. Saltzman and I got up and walked out. Josie followed along, I walked into my room and seen Mg sitting on my bed.

H: Were you waiting for me?
Mg: Yeah, we still have to talk.
H: Oh right. What were we talking about?
Mg: You and Josie.
H: There's nothing between me and Josie.

Mg looked at me in disbelief. I sat down next to him after closing my door.

Mg: You sure about that?
H: Yeah why?
Mg: Well besides the fact that you've always looked at her in the gym when they were sleeping. You could've looked at Raf and Lizzie but you seemed more concerned for Josie.
H: Just looking out for a friend.
Mg: You don't even know her Hope.
H: Okay and?
Mg: You've always taken so long to open up to someone but when your with Josie, you kinda open up with her and you always check on her. You check on her more than the rest of us. She has you wrapped around her finger and you don't even know her.
H: Is this all you wanted to talk about?
Mg: Look, I just want to know why you were stumbling around in the gym. It was like you were having some type of vision.
H: I was just exhausted.

Mg looked at me with more disbelief. I looked down and decided to actually be honest with him. I should tell him that it feels like I know Josie.

H: Fine, it feels like I've known her for awhile. I feel like there was something between us and I don't know what.
Mg: Maybe talk to her tomorrow about it.
H: Shes going to Mystic Falls.
Mg: What?
H: Shes going to Mystic Falls.

Mg quickly stood up and vamped sped out of my room. I shake my head and got ready for bed. It was a long night after all.

Mg's POV
After hearing about Josie who was supposedly my best friend I vamped to Josie. Once I seen she was in Lizzie's room, I barged in.

Mg: Josette.
J: Mg?
Mg: Your leaving for Mystic Falls and you didn't even tell me?
J: I'm so sorry Mg. Can we talk later?
Mg: No, we are talking right now Jo.

Josie looks at Lizzie and I keep my gaze on Josie. Josie looks down and Lizzie decides to speak up.

L: Couple drama?
J: No it's nothing like that Lizzie.
L: Then what's going on?
J: You don't remember any of this but I'm your twin sister. I'm Josie and Mg is my best friend. Hope used to be someone very special to me but she chose Landon.
?: Did I actually chose him though?
J: Hope?

I turn around and seen Hope standing there. She walked into the room closer to Josie.

H: Did I actually chose him Jo?
J: Yes...
H: That's a lie.
J: It's not a lie Hope.
H: Then what happened to us if I chose him, you must've done something that I didn't like.
J: It doesn't matter. You guys don't even remember anything.
Mg: Just tell us Josie. What's going on?
J: I jumped into Malivore, actually I didn't even jump in it. I got pushed in it. Anything else?
Mg: Yeah what happened between you and Hope?
J: She chose someone else.
L: Why?
J: We got into some argument. She went to Landon and after that things just ended between us.

Hope walks out of the room, she seemed disappointed a little bit. Josie looked at me and Lizzie.

Mg: Go get the girl Jo.
J: It's no point if she doesn't remember.
Alyssa: Let me help.

Alyssa mumbled a spell and everything went black.

-A Couple Hours Later-

Lizzie's POV
I woke up and memories of Josie came rushing back. I quickly sat up and seen Mg just not waking up. Josie was sitting on the bed and Alyssa walked out of the room.

L: Josie you have some explaining to do.
J: I know and I'll explain.

Josie ran after Alyssa.

Josie's POV
I finally caught up with Alyssa. I had some questions.

J: Was that spell big enough for the whole school?
Al: No it wasn't. It was for the ones who were in the room. Why?
J: Okay thank you Alyssa.
Al: Is something going down with you and the tribrid?
J: No. No one else can know about me or my memories. Keep everything a secret, please. I don't want Hope to chase after me.
Al: I thought you guys had something going on?
J: No she ended things. I just can't get my feelings caught up again. Not like last time. I'm going to Mystic Falls tomorrow morning. Just please don't do the spell anymore.
Al: You got it Josie.

Alyssa walked off, I turned around and seen Hope standing there with her arms crossed.

H: Everyone else gets to know?
J: I'm sorry Hope.
H: What really went down between us?
J: Like I said there was this huge argument and you went over to Landon and did whatever you did with him so I went to Penelope and you didn't like that even though I was just matching your energy.
H: Were we actually together?
J: More of a friends with benefits but you'd always act like we were something more.
H: So I ended things with you?
J: Mhm.

Hope leaned up against the wall and grabbed her head. I ran to her and made her look at me.

J: Is everything okay?
H: Y-yeah everything's fine.
J: Talk to me.
H: Just been getting these weird visions lately. They started happening ever sense you came here.
J: Oh uhm I should probably get going.

I backed away but she held onto my wrist. We made brief eye contact and I looked at the floor quickly.

H: Josie. Please look at me.
J: I'm sorry Hope, I can't .

I felt Hope's finger lift my chin up to where I was now looking at her. We were making direct eye contact. A couple minutes later of silence and eye contact, Hope kissed me. I melted into the kiss right away, and kissed back. Hope pulled away and I smiled at her. Hope smiled back.

H: Don't leave.
J: To late, already have a bag packed.
H: Then can I come visit you?
J: Maybe. I'll think about it.
H: Okay well you should probably go get some rest then.

I nod and Hope dropped her grip on my wrist. I walked away and back to Lizzie's room. Once I got in there Lizzie hugged me. Mg stood there and waited his turn to hug me.

L: Explain right now sister.
J: What do you mean?
L: Why'd you jump into Malivore?

I explained everything to Mg and Lizzie. After explaining Mg went to bed. Lizzie got ready for bed and I laid down on a bed. Lizzie jumped into bed with me and we both fell asleep.

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