Chapter 43- Sorry To Disappoint

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Hope's POV

Rebekah has texted me, telling me that she made it to Mystic Falls. I smiled and went back to the guy that was tied up in a chair. I took off the blindfold and his smirk faded.

?: I thought you'd be Klaus.

H: Sorry to disappoint. I'm just here to finish something he's started.

?: Oh yeah and what's that?

H: This.

I tore his head off and dropped it onto the ground. A bunch of other guys came out and I chuckled.

H: You guys really do come in packs. Don't worry, it'll be your guys turn too.

?: Who are you?

H: Hi, I'm Hope Mikaelson. your new nightmare, so who wants to go first.

?: So you're the tribrid.

H: Yeah and you're all on this list of people I have to kill so I can get back to the love of my life.

?: Well then let's stop wasting time.

H: I'd like that.

Josie's POV

Hope's aunt showed up to the school. She dropped her bags by the door and Mg carried them in. What a gentlemen. She walked up to me.

Re: You must be Josie.

J: Yes, that would be me. Where's Hope?

Re: She'll be here later this week. She got caught up with something.

J: Oh, what'd she get caught up with exactly?

Re: Who knows, she's been travelling the world recently.

J: Doing what?

Re: I'm surprised she hasn't told you.

Finch walked up to us and Rebekah crossed her arms.

Fi: Hey babe. Who's this?

J: This is a family friend, Rebekah.

Fi: Oh hi, I'm Finch.

Re: Do you usually do that?

Fi: Do what?

Re: Jump into your girlfriends conversations when she can clearly speak for herself and doesn't need you to butt into her business.

J: Rebekah, please don't.

Fi: I'm sorry but who do you think you are?

Re: Hope was right about you. You really do act like you own the whole school when your next to Josie. You really do get off on the sort of power you have over her. Josie isn't your little pet Finchy poo so I suggest you back off or I'll rip your head off.

I looked at Finch and she seemed angry. I gulped and Finch crossed her arms.

Fi: So you know Hope?

Re: Yeah, she's my niece.

Fi: Then you should know that Hope isn't who you think she is.

Re: She's a Mikaelson, she has her pride. I know exactly who she is.

Finch walked off and I looked at Rebekah.

Re: Sorry about my attitude, I just can't stand girls like her. How have you been?

I chuckle and Rebekah smiles.

J: I'm good. How about you?

Re: Hope has me on missions 24/7. I don't think I even know what relaxing is anymore.

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