Chapter 13- The Date

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Lizzie's POV

It was a Friday morning. Josie was still asleep, she's been trying to rest lately. Hope never left her side. I don't even think Hope got sleep yet.

L: Did you even sleep Hope?

H: Yeah, I took a couple naps.

L: You look like you haven't slept in days.

Josie started to wake up. I look at Hope and cross my arms.

H: What?

L: Get sleep Hope.

H: I have to protect you guys.

L: We have Mg, Landon, Raf, Kaleb, and not to mention Josie knows barrier spells. We're fine Hope. Get to sleep.

H: Josie.

J: Hmm?

H: Are you okay with this?

J: Of course I am. Go get some rest. I'll be awake.

H: How are you feeling?

J: I don't feel different.

H: Okay. I'll go get you guys breakfast. Bond or something.

Hope got up, kissed Josie's forehead and walked out of the room. Josie smiled at Hope while Hope was leaving the room. I gave Josie a confused look.

J: What?

L: You guys together now?

J: N- I don't- No we aren't.

L: So you and Finch?

J: I have a date with her tonight, which I will be fashionably late for and I'll end everything with her tonight.

L: Okay. So you did choose Hope?

J: Yeah, I think I'll always choose her. No matter what she does to me, I'll always love her.

I give Josie a small but sweet smile. I turn around and seen Mg, Landon, and Raf all by the door. I look back at Josie and she has a huge grin on her face.

J: You guys came!

Mg: Of course we did. Don't tell me Finch did this to you.

J: What do you mean?

Mg: Finch has been acting weird lately ever sense Hope came over that one time to eat lunch with us.

J: I had to erase her memory of this place. A lot happened while you were at Mystic Falls.

Mg: A lot happened when you were here.

J: Guys can me and Mg talk in private?

I nod and looked over at the other boys. They ran off and I walked out of the door. I closed it behind me and seen Hope staring at some girl. Oh wait... That girl is Finch. I walk up to Hope and Finch.

L: Hello, what seems to be the problem?

Fi: I came to pick up Josie.

L: How'd you find her?

Fi: We share locations. This isn't a bad school.

L: that's a bit stalkerish, don't you think?

Fi: Her aunt is worried about her. I came to check on her. She hasn't been home for a couple of days and she never showed up for school this week.

L: She recently had a relative die on her, she's been taking a break.

Fi: Okay well tell her that I was here.

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