Chapter 16- Hope

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Josie's POV

Landon ran off, I look back down to Hope. Her eyes kept fluttering open and closed. I looked around to find a piece of cloth. I seen Landon's tank top on the bench. I quickly got up and grabbed it. I looked back at Hope.

H: Hey...

J: No, Hope don't do that. I know what you're trying to do.

H: I- I'll come back J-Jo.

J: Stop talking, okay. You'll just lose more oxygen the more you talk.

H: J-Jo.

Hope began coughing up blood. I wrap Landon's tank top around a big wound on her abdomen. This is a lot of blood. I look back up and seen nobody coming just yet. I place my hands on the cloth and put pressure on the wound.

H: Ow!

J: Sorry. I'm so sorry.

H: I- it's fine Jo.

My vision was starting to get blurry. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I look up and seen Mg. Thank god someone came to help.

Mg: Jo.

J: Please help her.

Mg: Jo...

J: What?

Mg: She's gone Jo...

I look back down at Hope's body. It wasn't moving. I checked her pulse and still nothing. This can't be happening.

J: Hope wake up please. Please wake up.

Mg pulled me close to him and hugged me tightly. The tears fell harder and harder. I heard Mg talking to someone. Was that Kaleb?

Mg's POV

Kaleb came over to where me and Josie were. Josie was crying pretty hard. I looked up at Kaleb.

Ka: Is she okay?

Mg: Just take Hope's body back into the school. Make sure she transitions perfectly fine.

Ka: You got it Mg.

I nod and he picks up Hope's body, her arm falls to the side and went completely limp. I held Josie a little tighter. Kaleb vamped off and Landon was with us now.

La: Hey, I got her Mg.

Mg: Okay. What about your date?

La: We have a dead Hope in the school and Josie needs a lot of comfort. I'll take her back to Lizzie's room.

Mg: Actually, I'll come with. We're going back to Elena's.

La: Wouldn't Hope want to see Josie?

Mg: Not like this. We'll get Josie cleaned up and bring her back to the school.

La: Okay. Let's get going.

Landon helped Josie up and I got up. Landon held Josie in his arms and we walked back to the school. Landon handed me Josie and we walked to Elena's house.

After a long walk, we finally arrived. Elena heard about the news and helped us with Josie. She took Josie to her room and helped her into the bath.

After hours of Elena trying to help Josie and get Josie to eat. I got a text saying Hope was awake. I whispered to Landon and told him to keep quiet. He nodded and I vamped back to the school.

Hope's POV

I woke up, I remember what happened last. Josie tried so hard to keep me from transitioning into a vampire. I wonder how she feels. I look around my room and seen Dr. Saltzman sitting on a chair.

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