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For a matter of seconds my body froze and my mind refused to register the view in front of me.

Taehyung's incredibly beautiful bare face was just inches apart from me.

He had his hands on my shoulders pinning me against the wooden door to which my back was leaned on

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He had his hands on my shoulders pinning me against the wooden door to which my back was leaned on.

I blinked twice to let this dream break before Taehyung could disappear in the fog just like any other time but this time...nothing happened.

He was still there...staring at me with his intimidating gaze that was going to tear my soul apart within some next seconds.

His hot breaths were the only one thing that made me realise that I'm not dead yet...after seeing his face from this much close.

He looked incredibly sexy and his face under the dim lights screamed perfection.

His face got a tense look every time he clenched his jaw...his eyes still had the same look that he has on the dining table...the curious and heated one.

I was running out of my mind as my heart was pounding in my chest on the highest pace.

My skin was getting goosebumps and my eyes were locked to his twinkling almond eyes.

Tell me Kim can't be real?

Tell me that I'm dead already and went to heaven to meet you there.

His lavender and samphire mixed body butter fragrance was deeply mixed with the smell of alcohol.

He never failed to take my breath away and after what happened in the kitchen...I promised to avoid him but here I was...pinned against his warm body towering me and making me feel so small.

His eyes searched for my face for minutes before he finally broke the silence.

"Baby bear..." His deep husky voice reached me in whispers.

The name from which he calls me with...always gives me those tingling sensations over my skin.

I choked onto my saliva hearing his voice as his adam apple bobbed up and down before he spoke again.

"Can I know something personal?" He asked but my mind was still in his daze that I nodded in a yes to him without listening to his words.

"Do you love someone?" He asked in the same whisper as his husky voice gave me chills running down my spine.

I was confused for a second but when his hot breath hit my made me grow even more crazy and my eyes fell to his thin beautiful carved out pink lips as I gulped down before replying like a stupid cow.

"Obviously...I do." I felt his grip over my shoulder tightening as he clenched his hands but then loosened it while taking a deep breath.

Don't act like you will care about this Tae...

IDOL- Destined to be his❤(KTH× READER)Where stories live. Discover now