Chapter 1: White Dragon

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Bright POV

I just walked out from my room when I see my second brother, Earth making out with some random guy in the hallway. I shake my head and kick his leg when I walk over them.

"Shiit Bright! Come here, bastard!" He stops at his bussiness and turns to me while yelling out loud.

I laugh as I half running, going down the stair and yelled out back, "Get a room you two!"

He is so pissed off at me for disturbing his "activity". Who told him to do it at the hallway? His second brother always like that. Always bring a random guy to his room.

I hop onto my red Phoenix and suddenly my mind travel when I first got into superbike.

I started to invest my interest in this field at 17 years old. Now it has been 5 years it becomes my hobby.

At first, father quite distress with my hobby because it is dangerous. Nevertheless, my oldest brother back up me. He is the one who bought the superbike.

That time I didn't know much about the speed or the price. I just pick whatever catches my eyes first. My oldest brother who is the one who pay. So, I just choose whatever I want.

Later, when I start to know more, I modified it according to my liking. Now, I really love my Phoenix.

If anyone ask me what is the reason I'm so invested in this field, I don't have any concrete reason. I just do it purely for fun and the excitement of this field can offer.

I don't find anything yet that interest me more than this one. And this is the only thing that I good.

I look at my watch. I was late. My unworthy friend must be dyinng waiting for me. I then start the engine and ride through the road. When I arrived all of my friend already there.

"Bright, what take you so long, huh? Don't tell me you masturbate first before you come here" Ren, one of my friend yelling from afar, pulling a joke on me earning a laugh from the others.

"You bastard! Do you want to die early? You think I am same with you?" I yelled back as I stride towards them.

"You can't never matched with him. He masturbate 5 times a day" MJ, another friend of mine making fun of Ren.

"No.. no.. not 5.. It is 10 time per day. Hahahaha" Ren is laughing while correcting MJ, looking proud as it is great achievement in his life. This idiot.

"I don't even know why I am here with you guys" Mix who didn't amuse by the joke, let out a sighs. He is the only one I think the most normal among us.

"Hey, Mix! If you need help just tell me. I'm not picky. I'm okay with girl and boy especially cute boy like you" Ren winks his eyes to Mix. We are used to Ren joking like this. Even though we often make a face at Ren's jokes but we don't take it to heart.

Ren, MJ and Mix are all my chaotic and crazy friends. I naturally become friend with MJ and Ren since our family know each other.

While Mix was introduced to them by me and we become friend who has different personality but with the same interest, which is racing. Mix usually just tag along as he didn't has his own bike. Because of some difficulty...

Ren is always talking proudly about his sex life and very flirtious. To be honest, I don't even know did he really capable of that? Or just all talk?

If Ren is the craziest, MJ is the second. He and Ren mind basically twins but it just that MJ is a less crazier than Ren.

And Mix.. He is average. The normal one. He is a balancer in our group. But once you touch him, he can roar like a tiger. Don't get trick by his cute face.

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