Chapter 12: Stay overnight

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Bright is about to lying down on his bed when his phone vibrates. After he looks at the caller, he lazily picks it up.

"Brightt!!! You must come here right now!"

"Sorry Mj, I will pass. I have to work tomorrow." Bright refuses

"But White Dragon is here!"

Bright paused. His last meeting with Kavin is long time ago, where Kavin takes his number, then disappears like a thin air. Before, he plans to ask Win about Kavin since Kavin says he is Win's twins. But who knows, he and Win now is a stranger to each other.

"Bright.. Bright! Are you really not coming?"

Bright snap out from his thought, he looks at his watch and says "I will arrive in 20 minutes. Make sure he is still there."

Then Bright ends the call. He changes his sleepwear to outwear shirt and goes straight to the location.

When he arrives, his friends waves at him and he run lightly towards them.

"Bright, look at there. White Dragon is there. There are a lot of girls and boys crowded him." MJ points his finger to the left corner, not too far from where they are standing.

"Are you going to challenge him again?" Ren asks curious as to why Bright who always refuses to coming suddenly comes quickly when he heard white dragon is here.

Bright shakes his head and says to his friend, "I want to settle my debt with him."

With that he walks straight towards the person who is surrounded by the crowd.

Kavin notices immediately his present. He whispers something to his assistant then the crowd is dismiss after that. Kavin smiles while walks closer to Bright.

"We meet again. Long time no see. You become more handsome than before." Kavin sounds flirtious when he says it but Bright find it as Kavin wants to make fun of him.

"Stop the nonsense. I come here to settle my debt." Bright says in serious tone.

"I really love a person like you. You don't run away. Hmmm.. what is it.. oh you owe me two favors right? Let me think first.."

"I think you are mistaken here. I only owe you one favor. The second one, you not fullfill it. Disappear after saying you want to help me meet with Win." Bright tsk.

Kavin laughs, "I do help though.. okay.. nevermind. Let just say you owe me one favor then if that's make you happy."

Bright cannot help by stun a bit when Kavin laughs. It reminds him of Win. Even though their appearance is opposite but when Kavin smiles it almost same with Win. After all, they are twins. What will Bright expects from it.

"Say it." Bright says impatiently.

Kavin gives some thought, he paused for awhile before he speaks, "Sleep with me tonight."

Bright choked his salive. Not only Bright, but his friend who just arrived gets different ideas when they listened to it.

"I will do anything except a funny things." After composed himself, Bright clearly wants to draw a line between them.

MJ and Ren who is standing near them listened to their conversation attentively.

Kavin once again laughs. He raises his eyebrows and says, "What do you mean by funny things?"

Bright can only grits his teeth. He knows Kavin just only wants to mess with him.

After he sees Bright doesn't respond, Kavin speaks again, "I mean to invite you to my house, stay overnight. Only that. No funny things. Promise."

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