Chapter 5: A Chance

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Bright POV

The next week, I contacted Mr Teepakorn number and asking him to meet. Surprisingly he's easily agreed to my request. I thought he is going to questioned me further. But no.. he just asked me to meet him at the cafe. So, this is the reason why I'm sitting in front of him right now in his office.

"So, you want to work here?" He asks me while tapping his hand on the table.

"Yes. Since, you owe me a favor, I want nothing other than this" Oh my looking at me shamelessly asking this stranger to return the favor. "I promise I will work hard" I add to convince him.

His gazes is straight on me. I don't know what he is thinking.

"What you can do?" Suddenly he throws me a question.

What can I do? Shiaa.. what can I do? I never work before.

"Anything.." My lips slip out.

"Anything?" He asks me again.

Just why he keeps on repeating my answer. I suddenly annoyed at the situation. If not because of my phor, I would not do this.

"Do you have any experience in work? Any experience is fine. Just tell me about it" He calmly asks me again.

I broke into sweat.

"I never work. I hope you can give me a chance since everyone need their first time in working. So I hope working here would be my first time to gain experience"

Damn! How many time I listen to my own words, it really sounds like scripted. This is what Mix teach me when I told him I want to meet his boss. We had discussed the possibility of me getting few question from the boss.

My face redden when suddenly the Glacier in front of me laughs. I know it! The answer sounds so lame. Blame it on Mix.

"Ah sorry if I offended you. But as you know my cafe need someone who can really do a job. Morever, we already get enough staff here"

My face become gloomy instantly but I don't want to give up yet.

"But you promise me that day to return my favor" I can be this shameless. At this rate I don't care anymore.

He looks down and goes silent for awhile as if he is thinking of something.

"Fine.. I will give you 2 month of trial. If you don't fit the job, I will dismiss you"

I feel so happy. Of course I will do my best in this trial. 2 month is a long time right. I should be able to do the work properly and Mix will help me to go through it.

"Deal" I smile back at my new boss.




I groan in pain. Damn! The serving I hold just now scattering on the floor with plate broken into pieces. This is probably more than ten times already I stumbled upon delivering order to customer within 3 weeks I'm working here.

Except this time is because of some bastard who did dirty on me.

This bastard I know very well. Probably he had grudge on me because he got defeated by me in the racing before. One of them clearly extended his leg when I'm passing by their table just now.

I gather my fist but Mix comes to me and tell me to calm down. How can I calm down if this bastard intend to humiliate me here?!

I raise up from the floor and walk to their table while Mix still try to coax me to ignore them. People in the cafe are making sounds behind to the event occur.

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