Chapter 9: Enchanted

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"Phi??" Bright calls the older who is on top of him right now.

Win blinks a few time before he speaks.

"Hey.. you.. nggg.. what..  are you doing on my bed?" Win's voice sounds so husky and a bit flirty into Bright's ears as if Win in front of him is not the same Win he knows.

In the next second he is shocked when the older caressing his left cheek.

"Soft.." Win utters quietly. Bright is too shock to say or to do anything. He feels Win is not like his usual self.

Is he drunk? Bright raise his head slightly and he can smell alcohol from Win.

'So he is drunk' Bright thought inside. That's weird. Did Win woke up in the middle of night just to get drunk? Could it because of his ex boyfriend earlier?

"You owe me a favor" Win gazes at Bright sharply.

"A favor?" Bright tries to remember what favor Win talks about.

"You forgot already?" Win moves slightly the strand of Bright's hair using his finger.

Bright decides to play along since his phi is drunk.

"What favor phi?"

Win's face turn cold. He straighten his back and says, "Forget it"

Bright is so confused with Win's state. He had drink with Win before but he never see Win got drunk like this.

"Phi, I think you need to get down from me." Bright tries to coax Win who is sitting on his stomach.

Win chuckles slightly, "Why? I like it here" Win bounces lightly on top of Bright's stomach.

Bright groans a little bit.

After seeing Win doesn't move away from his top, Bright sits up, but because he sit up so sudden, Win who sit on him bounce backward. Luckily Bright is quick. He manages to catch Win from falling behind and they end up face to face with each other.

They stare at each other for a brief moment. Win suddenly smirk and put both of his hand on around Bright's neck, pulling the other face closer to him throwing Bright into a puzzle.

"You really handsome" Win's eyes is on Bright.

Bright know Win is drunk but he can't help to feel slightly embarassed, his cheek gets warm when someone like Win is praising him. Not to mention their close position right now.

"Phi, you are drunk. Let me help you change your shirt and get some sleep"

"Gotcha!" Win suddenly smile inhideously.


Bright doesn't know what the older is thinking about at the moment

"This is why you sleep on my bed. You want to see me naked and sleep with me"

Bright choked up. He lost word for a second.

"Phi you are drunk.. Let's get down from here" Bright coaxes again after he returns to his senses.

"I am not drunk. I am sober enough to.. " Win pauses and he fix his gaze on Bright's eyes.. Bright waits for the other to finish his word.

" eat you"

Once again, Bright's mind stop working. Drunk Win is very dangerous. He didn't know that his phi could be this smitten and flirtious when he is drunk. His face get red but he tries to compose himself.

"Enough joking.. let's—" Bright just about to pull Win away from his top but in the next second both of his hand is pinned on the bed. While Win lower his head and stares at him quietly.

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