Chapter 17: Movie date

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Bright had sent him a text to the place where he wants to treat him, but it comes with a movie ticket as well. Bright had sent the photo of two tickets saying it gifts from his friend making Win wonder whose that friends? Mix is excluded. Could it be MJ? Or Ren? Or is it just Bright's excuse to ask him out for the movie?

He is not blind. He heard it by himself that Bright still not give up in pursuing him. Bright even takes his career seriously, making he feels quite bad inside. There is a moment he wants to consider Bright's feeling for him, but it is too risky.

Bright is really young. There is more waiting for him ahead. Young generation naturally love to play around and have fun. He already over 30. His relationship had failed and because of that it gives him a big blow, trauma. He can't afford to heartbroken again.

Not only that, even though his ex is an asshole one, he made him partly believe that he is the incompetence once in relationship. He is the reason of the things happen back then. Because of this thought, he had this fear, letting someone down, and unsatisfied with him. This is why he never thought about any relationship.

He is not bluffing when he said that many people try to flirt or courting him after he end his relationship but he turns them off. He is not interested. His heart had been closed since then.

He admits that first time when he met Bright, when Bright was drunk at the bar, for a second he feels attracted to Bright good looking face. Bright's is God's favourite. His feature is firmly sculpted in a perfect way. The eyes, the nose, the lips, it is so perfect that it can bewitched you if you stare too long at this perfectly features.

The second time he met Bright when he rushingly to his cafe, bumping into Bright, causing his helmet to broke. That time, his expression changes slightly when he realized it is the same person that vomit on him at the bar but he doesn't show it. He then leave a card for the compensation.

Fate is so funny, the third time he met Bright again at the bar, drunk and wasted. Alone. Phone out of battery. Since, he still owe Bright a favor, he takes him to his house. That time he find Bright is cute. He actually shock when he knows Bright is 10 years younger than him. He thought Bright only like 3 or 4 years younger than him.

Bright has a perfect body ratio and his body is well builded as if he always exercise to keep it in shape. So, if looking at the  appearance alone, Bright looks more mature than his age.

Then Bright wants to work at his cafe. He had promise the younger, so he gives Bright a chance but later he learned that Bright was his friend's younger brother. Even though at first, he thinks Bright is close to his type but he never thought to have that kind of relationship with him, especially know that he is much younger than him.

Starting from then, he treats Bright purely as a younger brother. Foei is his good friend. So, he exceptionally nice towards Bright compare to other staff. But who knows their relationship grow so fast and they become close, and Win strangely comfortable around this so-called younger bro.

So, when Bright confessed to him he knows it was over. That time he regreted for letting Bright confessed his feeling. He should get the hint when Bright asked about what he thought about him. The one thing that he regretret the most, because of the confession, they became a stranger.

However, now he realized he can't stop other people's feeling. The fact that Bright still has feeling for him, somehow gives a bit tingle sensation feeling inside him. This is very selfish of him to think this way despite of him rejecting the younger feeling before.

It is too late to not fall for this handsome younger brother...


Bright is waiting for Win at the movie entrance counter. From a distance the person that he waits can be seen, walking handsomely towards him. Win looks a bit difference. Even though the hairstyle doesn't change but Bright notices Win had put effort in his clothes. It makes him little expectant inside.

"Sorry, I'm late." Win says as soon as he is in front of him. Bright shakes his head and says, "I just arrived here. I already bought popcorn and drink for both of us. Let's go inside."

Win nods his head with a smile. When they walk together through the entrance, Win walks very close to him. Their arm are close to each other, side by side, leaving almost no gap. Bright could not help feels happy yet strange by this clingy Win.

The movie theater is quite dark since the screen in front just started to displayed ads. Once again Bright is taken by surprise when Win holds his hand and guiding them to their seat. He follows quietly from behind.

"Are you cold?" Bright's cold palm turn warms by Win's heat. He looks at the older's hand which toucing his hand calmly. Win is different tonight. He usually a nice person to him but he makes it clear to him before that he treats him a younger brother.

Does his roses move Win's heat? Or does his contantly pursue makes Win changes his mind and heart? Is it okay for him to has little hope for them?

"A little." Bright replies.

"Let me warm your hand." Win says casually and intertwined their finger together. Bright smiles looking at their linked fingers.

Now, with Win unconciously caressing his hand in a tiny, Bright couldn't focused on the movie in front. He is in his own thought for the whole time. He knows this is not a date but he feels positive and good. At least Win's feeling might change now.

After the movie ends, Bright plan is to bring Win to dinner, since it is still earlier. Actually, he just plan to take Win to a dinner but Mix is the one who suggested to him to go watching a movie before dinner so that he can spend more time with p'win.

"Do you like romance movie?" Win asks him while they are walking side by side to the car.

"I like it. What about you? Do you like the movie just now?" He asks back.

"Hmm.. it is okay. I'm more into action genre with a slight romance."

"Oh.. I never know that you like that kind of genre." The taste seems not fit with Win's personality but it's true that we cannot judge someone by its cover.

"I think it is cool. So, where are we going after this?"

"I will bring you to this my favourite restaurant. I think you will like it, phi. But what about your car?" Bright remembers that they come separately.

"Ah, it's okay. I will go with you. I will have someone to take my car later on."

"Let's go phi."


Bright turns off the engine and says, "We have arrived."

He loose the seatbelt and looks up to the silent person beside him. That person is staring at him, so when he lifts up his head, their eyes met.

"What's wrong phi? Is there anything on my face?" Bright asks calmly even though he feels nervous under those stare. He touches his face trying to lessen his nervous. Why he feels Win does not looks like himself tonight?

Even though he feels happy but he could not shake off the strangeness feeling inside. Did he miss anything? Last time he remembers he is the one who pursuing the other and Win still doesn't show any interest to him openly.

The next moment when Win moves closer to his face, he feels his heart almost stop. He just about to speak again but the next moment he feels a soft flesh brushes with his lips. His eyes turn wider.

At second, he feel intoxicated, he wants more. He wants to kiss back his phi and savoring him to the fullest but... He feels there is something wrong with the whole thing tonight.

As his mind fills with many thought, then before the older moves his lips againts his after learning that he doesn't move away from the kiss, he pushes the older. Win looks confused with the action.

Bright then suddenly unbutton another two upper button of Win's shirt and takes a look at his chest. "Wait.. wait.. calm down. Are we really going to do it right here?" Win asks amusingly.

While Bright turns pale after he looks at the older chest. He lifts up his face and says in angry,

"You... You are not Win!"

Win looks surprise at first but then he pushes lightly the younger's hand, buttoning his shirt back and says with a sneeky smile, "Take a long enough for you to realize it."


Author Notes:
Uhhh.. what happen?!! Let's check out next chapter.

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