Chapter 23: Can you hold me?

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Next day...

Win has wake up earlier. The air head still sleep soundly on his bed. He remembers last night, Bright begging him to stay at night, saying that no one is going to take care of him if he's going back at home. He ends up brings the younger to his home.

He has asked someone to monitor the cafe while he's absence. He has done prepare breakfast when he sees the younger enters the kitchen.

After they had breakfast, Win helps Bright refresh himself. Win noticed Bright is quiet than usual. Usually the younger always has something to talk but since the morning it seems something bothering Bright and make him behave weirdly like that.

Win just let Bright stays in bedroom because he thought Bright probably tired. After all, he is still sick. So, he sat at living room with his laptop on his lap, looking at his work.

Not long after that, Bright comes and sit quietly next to him. He feels strange by the younger action. It is unusual for Bright to behave like this. Before he gets to ask, Bright suddenly opens his mouth first.

"Phi, can you hold me?" With one hand, Bright takes the laptop out of Win's lap and put it on the table. Without Win replies, he laying his head on the older's laps, closing his eyes.

Win lowers down his head. He notices the sullen expression on Bright's face. He put his palms on the younger's face and ask, "Are you trouble with something?"

Bright opens his eyes. Win palms does not only warm his face but also his heart. "Today is my mother's death anniversary. I don't want to be alone."

Win can feels the grief when Bright say the words. So, this is why he has been quiet since the morning and he keeps pestering him to stay at his place last night.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." Win says as he cares the younger's face gently.

"No. I never tell you about it. I'm fine. I just need someone by my side."

"You have me by your side." Win says.

"I know Phi.. can you accompany me to see my late mother?" Bright asks.

"Of course can. Let's go after we had a lunch."

Bright nods his head, "Thank you, phi."


Bright bows at his mother's cemetry. Win stand not far behind him. Bright doesn't speak for awhile. Not long after that he heard the younger started to talk.

"Mom, now I am 22 years old. I'm now helping our family bussiness and have make my own money. Your son is grown up really well. Even though you left me when I'm still a child, but I still remember your face. I miss you and I promise you I will be good, brother and.... husband."

Bright turns his head to Win and pulls him beside him. "Mom, this is P'Win. He is my boyfriend. I love him very much. He is the person who make me changes to be better. Before I know him I live my life carelessly. I start to think seriously about my future because of him. I want to be with him until my last breath. Mom, please give us your bless."

It is lies if Win doesn't feel move by Bright's words. Bright keeps surprising him with his thoughtful words and action. He really underestimate this young guy beside him before.

After Bright finished, Win lowers his head, bowing with a respect. He then says, "Mom, Win here. I am Bright's boyfriend. I want to reassure you that Bright is doing fine here. He is working hard to build his future. He is not easily give up in pursuing something that he yearns for. He can be that someone that you can be proud of. Here, I'm asking your bless to our relationship."

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