Chapter 21: Hospital

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"Do you think Bright will accept you after know that you are sick in here?"

The person who has same figure with Win points to his head. Win grits his teeth looking at his own reflection.

"Whether he accepts me or not, it is not your bussiness. Just let me go Kavin. Everything is over. Just go back to your place."

"How many time do I have to tell you, it is not for me to decide. My existence is because of you. Your inner side that calling me out. If you still see me here, means that you still have not let go of your past." Kavin replies with a sneer laughs.

"You are liarr!" Win raises his voice. He continues, "I already accept it. I had move on with my life long ago."

"If you had move on long ago, why did you resist Bright at first? And all this time you didn't date anyone. You are still scared and I am here because you still need me." This time Kavin replies calmly.

"No.. you are wrong! I don't need you anymore. This will be the last time we meet each other." Win says with determination.

Kavin walks close to Win, he leans a bit and whispers to Win's ears with a wick smile, "I can't wait to see it."

Win jolts up from the bed. Cold sweat spread on his forehead. His body feels warm but he feels cold and uncomfortable inside. He looks at the clock, it's 30 minutes pass midnight. He rubs his face.

Kavin had shown up. Bright already knows about his identity. The truth is when Kavin shows up as his other identity yesterday, he didn't know why but he feels like he is there for the whole time.

That time his innerself struggles to come out. It feels like he is in the state of conscious of what the other says, but he can't control his mind and action. It feels like he is trapped inside the body and only can see what happen in front.

Bright must have been shocked. He doesn't know if the younger still wants him or will discard him. It is understandable.

Normal people who knows this for the first time, especially who didn't get use with this kind of thing will freak out.

He is about to get up to get a warm water while suddenly his phone ringing out loud, breaking the silent and darkness of the night. He looks at the screen. It is Mix. Weird.

Mix never call him in the middle of the night. He is not in the mood to talk with anyone but he still takes the call, afraid Mix might need his help.

"Hello Mix—"

"Phi!! I'm at the Hospital nearby the Royal Hall District. Please come here quickly! Bright was accident during the rac—"

Win's phone slips out from his hand and falls to the floor produce a loud bang. He pauses for a second before put his thin sweater over his pyjama, takes his wallet and quickly rushes out from his house, forgetting to change the home slippers before goes out.

Once arrives, it takes less than five minutes for him to locate Bright's room through the nurse who is incharge at the main counter. He walks rushingly to the room, ignoring the eyes that are looking at him.

After find the room number, Win couldn't even catch his breath yet he opens the door hurriedly. The loud sound coming from the door draw attention to the people's inside. All eyes are on him. Seems everyone shock with his sudden appearance.

But Win eyes only at one person. He walks slowly to the only person who sit on the bed, looking at him with a widen eyes, also with the bandage on his right arm. He breathes out sigh of relief after find out Bright is fine.

"I'm glad that you are fine." His voice sound weak as if it is the last energy he had. The next second, he doesn't know what happen but his eyes turns black and last thing before he passed out he hears his name is called out repeatedly.

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