Chapter 15: Same feeling

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"What? You confess to P'Win and got reject—?!" Bright quickly covers Mix's mouth with his palm. Even though no one will know them in the restroom, he still doesn't want his love life is publicly known to a stranger.

"Do you want to announce it to everyone?" Bright scolds his friend with a low voice. Mix shakes his head then Bright pulls his palm away.

"Okay.. so, you confess to P'Win but P'Win treats you like his little brother and then you just give it up and resigned?" Mix still feel unreal. After he questioned Bright about the roses, who thought Bright starts to tell him the truth.

Indeed, he is the one who send the roses.

"I don't give up though." Bright refutes. "I just want to live my life properly. Working, earning more money and thinking my future seriously. My future with Win." Bright says with a smiling face.

Mix thought his friend is helplessly fall deep into love. "Now, you don't call him phi anymore huh?" Mix nudges his friend.

"It's okay. He is not here." Bright says giving Mix a side glare.

Right after he finishes saying this words, there is a sneeze comes out of sudden from one of the toilet stall. Both of them look at each other.

"Let's talk about this another time. It's not suitable to talk about it here. Mj and Ren will suspect something if we are too long here." Bright whispered and Mix nods his head agrees with it.

Both of them walk out from the restroom.

After listen to the sound of the footsteps and the door being open and close, the person in that stall, the same person who sneezed just now, walks out unhurriedly.

Then his phone vibrates. He picks up the call.

"Win why are you taking so long at the restroom. Is everything okay?" The voice comes out from the other line.

"Sorry Apo, the restroom upstair is full, I used the one at downstair. I already finish." Win says as he washes his hand.

"Okay, Mile had something to do. So he get off first."

"Okay." Win hangs up.

Win then put his phone inside his pocket. His thought travel to the conversation he just heard before.

Apo and Mile invites him to having a hotpot here. At first he refuses but after Apo says P'Mile wants to see him because it has been long time he didn't see him, so he feel disheartened to reject.

After talks and dine in, he goes to the toilet however the toilet upstairs is full so he go to the toilet at downstair. When he is inside he feels surprise when he heard of Mix's voice. Then come Bright's voice. He notices their voice very well.

He doesn't know wether wants to come out or just stay until they leave. Then after he heard his name being talked, he decides to stay quietly in the stall. He listen to the conversation and now he know Bright is the one who send him the roses. He did suspect Bright but he thought Bright already forget him because he never contacted him after that.

But who knows this kid actually stubbornly wants to pursue him, even include him in his future plan. Win doesn't know how to feel about this. While hiding, he wants to sneeze badly. He hold it at first, but giving away at the end. Luckily, both Mix and Bright walk out from there.

It would be awkward if he meets them right here after both of them talking about him. Mix does invites him to hang out with them last week. But he didn't know that this is the same place where MileApo invites him.

He then walks out from the door. At the corner, at the bottom of the downstair he peeks to the left side of the restaurant. There he sees Bright and his friends dine in. Bright looks a bit different from the last time he meets him.

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