Chapter 2: Drunk

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Bright POV

I wake up at noon. My stomach is growling asking for a food. I go downstair and straight up to the kitchen but my step halt when I see my father on the dining table.

"You sure have live your luxurious life, huh?"

I smile sheepishly, "Phor.. when you are back? I didn't notice your arrival"

I take a sit beside my father and put a food on my plate.

"I bet will you even notice it. You even don't stay at home during a day and always come back late at night. What you are going to do with your life, huh?"

"Phor.. don't nagging at me. You shall scolding Earth more. He is sleeping around with a random guy" I complain as I want to switch the topic to my brother instead.

"Bright.. he is your brother. Where is your manner?" My phor still lecturers me.

"He is just one year older than me though" I still want to win. My phor shakes his head lightly.

"When you are planning to work with our bussiness?" Phor asks me seriously.

To be honest, I'm not ready and I think that bussiness is not suit to my liking. I know nothing about it and just looking at the paper work or document can make my head dizzy.

"It is not for me, phor"

"So, what will you do for your future?"

"I have you and older brothers. You won't bankrupt at anytime soon right, phor?

He sighs, "What is something happen to us? How will you live?"

I feel a strange emotion when my father suddenly say it like that.

"Phor.. what are you talking about? You and brothers will live longer" I smile try to brush the uneasy feeling creeps into my heart.

Phor stands up as he finished his dish. Before he left he says this to me, "Don't play around too much. If you have a lof of time, please think about your future seriously"

I suddenly lost my appetite. Huh? What's wrong with people around me. Last night I lost appetite because I lost in the battle. Now, I lost appetite because of what father has told me.

I stand up and left the dining table with a sullen mood.


At the bar,

"I have new place for racing. What do you say about it?" MJ shout out to me against the loud music inside the bar.

"I will turn off this time" I reply him back.

"Hah? What do you say? I can't hear you!"

I repeat the same word but raising my voice a bit. What the hell they ask to meet at this loud bar? I can't even relax my mind.

"This is so not you" Mix frown at me. I smile at him and shrug my shoulder.

"By the way where is Ren? Since I arrived here, I didn't see even his shadow" I ask my two friends.

"Look behind you. He is flirting with everyone since he is coming here. I bet he often comes here without us. That bastard keep this place to himself" MJ complains.

"This place is so loud. I can't even relax a bit with this loud music!"

"Hey, if you want to relax you can get into a room, you know?" Ren coming from behind and links his arm around me.

"Ren, stop it! Don't use your flirting method on me!" I push him aside.

Mix and MJ laugh at us. Ren is  absolutely crazy. He flirts alot and never cares who is his target. I just hope he don't get into trouble later.

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