Chapter 16: Special person

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Win separates from Bright and walks to Foei's direction. While Bright walking opposite to him letting him having a space to chat with his brother.

Foei turns to Win when realized his friend is here. He excuses himself from the guests and talks to Win, "Did my brother attend you nicely?"

Win laughs as he pointed to his suits he says, "He is a great help."

"Win, I really surprise to see you here. I have met your brother and his boyfriend. After they tell me that you are here I quickly try to spot you in the crowd. It is very rare to see you in this kind of event." Foei gestures Win to follow him to the table stand at the corner, where there are less people.

"Maybe I am out of my mind tonight. That's why I'm here." Win gives out a small laughs. Then he asks, "Is your brother doing fine? I mean, Bright."

Foei lifts his eyebrow but then he answers casually, "After he resigned from your cafe, he does change a lot. Of course he is still kid in my eyes but he takes things seriously now than before. He suddenly changes abruptly. Just what you did to my brother Win?"

Win laughs at the remarks, "I play no role in your brother changes."

Foei looks at Win for awhile before he says cautiously, "Win... Can I ask you something?"

Win lifts up his eyebrow make a sign for Foei to continues.

"My brother Bright.. I think he likes you."

Win who just take a sip on the drink chokes back. He coughes hard. Foei quickly taps his back while laughing at his friend. Luckily they were away from the crowd, so a loud cough from Win is swallowed by the noise but it is not go unnoticed by that someone who had keeps his eyes on this person since they parted.

After calm down Win doesn't know how to respond. Does Bright tells Foei about it or does Foei just make a random guess?

He clears his throat as he coughes, "What nonsense are you talking about Foei? Why would he likes me?"

"I have many reason you know. He asks me about you alot. When I ask him why, he says he wants to study about you and understand you. But he didn't say further about it. He is really my stupid brother. He helpless falls in love with you." Foei laughs when he remembered his fluster brother asking this and that about Win.

Win's face redden hearing that. Bright is so blunt. Where he should put his face in front of his friend?

"How can he understand me have anything to do with liking me?" Win plays dumb. Then he continues, "He even can't get it right about my favourite flower."

"So, are you mad because he sends roses flower instead of hydrangea?"

Win is taken by surprise when Foei says this. How would Foei knows about it? Did Bright really exposed everything towardz his brother?

Foei laughs again, "You know my cutie pie brother comes to me asking an advice how to win over someone's heart. He says his friend, Mix, asks him to ask me about it. If I know that person will be you I will suggest hydrangea. That brat had fool me. He uses Mix to make the story sounds convincing." Foei shakes his head.

"He just admiring me." Win lowers his head.

Foei seems think of something for awhile. He then looks at his friend and says in serious tone,

"Win, I just want you to know.. If there is something between you and my brother, I don't oppose it. I have known you for long time. My father will be happy to accept you if this you are worry about."

Win sighs, "Foei, you think too much." The fact that Foei guessing that Bright likes him is true, making him lost of words to defense himself.

"He is my brother. I know him like the back of my hand. You know the moment we chat here, his eyes doesn't leave you even once. I believe he almost comes here when you choke just now." Foei laughs. His brother is so oblivious to his feeling towards his friend.

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