Chapter 4

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They had reached the end of the hall, where her room was kept. They walked her to the pond, assuming she would like a swim before bed. Kleo didn't hesitate as she dived into the water, her body completely changing, her legs turning into a blue tail, her fingers becoming webbed, and her gills opening. She swam to the top of the water and looked at them with a proper smile, that she only showed them, that showed her shark-like teeth. "I like them ada, they're nice."

Elrond smiled back at her, "Good. Now to discuss the matter at hand." Taking off his shoes and rolling up his leggings, he sat at the edge of the pond, placing his feet in the water. Gandalf followed suit only crossing his leg when he sat down. "I will be having people from each race coming to Rivendell, you have to promise me you will behave. I do not want them to hurt you, you are one of my children and I want to keep you safe, but you have to help in that." Kleo gave him a nod, "I will ada, I promise."

They stayed like that for a few hours with Gandalf telling stories about his adventures. When it had fully hit nightfall, they left the pond and went to their rooms to sleep. For they had a long day coming to them.

The next morning Kleo awoke and dressed for the arrival of the other races, since this was her first time meeting new people she decided to stay near either Gandalf, Arwen, or Elrond so that she wouldn't freak.

She walked to the dining room, wearing a light blue dress that showed her figure and swayed at the bottom, she also adorned a circlet that was a dark silver. "Morning," she said, but the four Hobbits and Man couldn't form words they knew she was enchanting just from the meeting of her yesterday, but today within that minute she looked as if she had been blessed with the beauty of Valar.

She smiled at them, not showing her teeth as she walked to Elrond, their eyes following her form. Elrond brightened at the sight of her, his mood-lifting, "Good morning." she nodded at him in thanks, "Will they be nice people ada?" Elrond sucked in a breath at her question, "Not all will be, the Dwarves have a strong hate for Elves, and the Men tolerate us." Kelo seemed a bit confused with the word Dwarves, "What are Dwarves?" she asked curiously.

Gandalf chuckled, "You will see." As he said that a horn sounded off letting them know they had visitors. Kleo kept close to Elrond and Gandalf as they walked to the entrance of the palace; she stood between the males as the others arrived. She watched as they arrived, she was taken aback by how they looked, some looked like warriors, others like bookkeepers, and even some like both. Elrond heard her gasp and chuckled softly, "Strange, isn't it? They all look different from how they look to how they act. You'll never see two people who are the same, remember that."

Elrond greeted them and led them inside, Kleo moved over to where Gandalf was and spoke to him, "Is this some of what you see in your travels, Gandalf?" the old wizard nodded, "Indeed, one day I should take you on an adventure, we could go and see Galadriel." Kleo smiled at the thought of seeing her old friend again.

They walked into the palace and walked to the dining room laughing as they told jokes to each other. Elrond smiled at the sight of Kleo laughing, "Stealing my daughter from me now Gandalf?" That made the two laugh harder, "No, never." Gandalf said as they walked to the table, everyone at the said table looked in the direction Elrond was and froze. They all were taken aback by her beauty, Kleo heard them speaking to each other about her as she made her way to sit down, "She must be one of the Valar." and "She is more beautiful than the Lady of Light herself." Kleo smiled at them all but stopped when she saw one Elf.

She quickly looked at her father, "Ada, who is the Elf? The one with the bow I mean." Elrond looked at Legolas and smiled slightly, "That is Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of Mirkwood." Kleo looked back at the Elf, "Legolas?" she whispered to herself, but the Elf seemed to hear her and looked in her direction with curious eyes. Kleo looked away and talked to Gandalf as they waited for the Man, Elf, and four Hobbits to join them.

When they finally arrived, Aragorn took a seat beside Legolas and they started talking. The Hobbits sat with themselves and Arwen sat across the table from Kleo. "Kleo I got you something from the town I thought you might like." She said as she handed Kleo a necklace holding a seashell. Kleo took it gently, "You got this for me?" Arwen nodded, "I did." Kleo held the necklace in her hands, then she looked at Elrond, "Ada can you help me put this on?" Elrond nodded and stood to help her. He took the necklace from her and placed it around her neck, clasping it into place. He took his seat and smiled, "It looks good." Kleo smiled and nodded in thanks to Arwen.

Little did she know that a certain Elf was looking at her, "Aragorn, who is the fair lady?" he asked quietly. Aragorn didn't have to see who he was looking at to know it was Kleo, "Her name is Kleo, she is Elrond's daughter." he stated. Legolas looked at Aragorn, "I only knew of one daughter." Aragorn shrugged, "I only found out about her yesterday." Legolas looked back at Kleo, trying to figure her out.

As they served food Kleo stood and excused herself from the table. Elrond made a concerned face, but then saw the webbing appear on her hands and understood. Kleo quickly left, Legolas looked towards Elrond, "Is she alright?" he asked. Elrond nodded, "Yes she is fine. She just gets shy." Elrond lied so easily that Legolas and the others didn't even notice.

After eating Legolas walked in the direction that Kleo did, he was met with the door to the gardens. He walked into the gardens, he saw no one, but he did see a large pond. He walked to it and sat at the edge of the water, "Where did she go?" he said to himself. Kleo heard him speaking from the pond that she was currently in. She swam to the surface but did breach it.

She watched as he played with a petal that had fallen from a flower and talked to himself. She breached the surface, her hair no longer hiding her fin ears and gills. Her full form was on show to this Elf that she didn't know, but somehow felt drawn to show him her secret. "Can I help you Legolas?" was all he heard, he looked in the direction of the voice to see a lady into the water, she looked like nothing he had ever seen, it then hit him, this wasn't any lady, this was Kleo.

"Kleo?" She nodded to him, he stared at her taking in everything, the blue eyes that were slit like dragon eyes, her webbed pale hands, her sharp teeth that looked like they hurt more than a Wrags, if he were to get bitten, how her wet white hair followed down her frame stopping at just enough length to cover her bare breasts and how her finned ears stuck through the pale locks, how her small frame was dwarfed when in such a large pool,he couldn't recall when he had ever seen such a beautiful creature, "You are beautiful," he whispered to himself. Kelo smiled widely, putting her shark-like teeth on show. "What are you?" Kleo lifted herself on the edge of the pond, placing her chin on her arms, "I am a Mermaid." 

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