Chapter 13

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As they ran down the many more flights of stairs they rounded a corner that was full of fire on the edges of the walls, "Over the bridge! Fly!" Gandalf yelled at them. Then they heard it, the roaring and how close the beast actually was, as they ran. When they turned they saw it, the giant black beast with goat horns and how when it saw Gandalf it growled, but when it saw Kleo it roared a mighty roar and chased after them.

As they ran from the monster they heard the heavy thumps of its feet behind them. They saw the bridge and gave a slight praise, they made it across and turned to wait for Gandalf who was further behind than they thought and watched as he stopped in front of the giant black winged beast, "You cannot pass!" he cried out. They then heard Frodo, "Gandalf!"

They all watched as the beast lit itself on fire in an attempt to scare Gandalf who spoke again, "I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor." They all watched this lone Wizard stand his ground on the bridge against this mighty beast, "The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn!" The beast suddenly had a sword and struck Gandalf's staff making a loud grading sound as it blew up into lava and fell down the bridge.

With that the beast roared again at Gandalf as he stated, "Go back to the shadow." The beast formed a whip from the fire and moved it around in the air, letting it make a loud thwacking sound as it snapped the air. Gandalf lifted up his sword and his staff yelling, "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" He brought them together and slammed them against the bridge, creating a white light that forced the beast back.

Then the beast went for Gandalf again, readying his whip, but when he did the bridge below him crumbled, sending him down into the depths below, letting out a roar as he fell. Gandalf turned to join the others when the whip came back up and wrapped around his ankle pulling him to the edge of the broken bridge. He held onto the bridge as Frodo tried to run to him. Boromir grabbed him, holding him back, as he did Frodo held onto his arm yelling, "Gandalf!" Kleo held her breath watching her long-time friend try to pull himself up and failed, "Fly, you fools!" was all he said as he let go and fell with the beast.

She heard Frodo scream and watched him be dragged away by Boromir, but she was frozen. She stared at the broken bridge where he once stood. Legolas grabbed Kleo by her hand and started dragging her out of the mine, as the others ran out. Once they made it out and far enough away from the door they all let the grief hit them, some harder than others. They all watched as Kleo let out a scream, it was terrifying how loud and heart wrenching it was, how it sounded like a painful screech from an Orc. They all watched as she started to hit at Legolas in her anger, only for him to pull her close to him and held her as she sobbed.

"Gandalf!" She cried, they did not know how close the woman and the Wizard were, but they could tell that it hit her harder than any of them. She did not notice anyone else's tears or how Boromir had to hold back Gimli from going back into the mine. All she felt was her grief and how Legolas wouldn't let her go, knowing she would do something irrational.

Aragorn looked at them and sighed, "Boromir! Get them up!" to which Boromir replied, "Give them a moment for pity's sake!" Aragorn looked at him seriously, "By nightfall these hills will be swarming with Orcs! We must reach the woods of Lothlórien! Now get them up!" Boromir sighed and had Gimli help him get them up as they left Kleo with Legolas, knowing he'd get her moving.

After a moment they started their journey to Lothlórien, Legolas carried Kleo, as she couldn't find it in herself to move. The grief was too strong, from her crying she soon fell asleep in his arms. After what seemed like hours to the Fellowship they made it to the woods. Legolas held Kleo closer than before, afraid she might not wake up from the grief, he did not know how Mermaids handled the feeling, but if it was anything like Elves, she could die.

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