Chapter 5

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It seemed like an eternity before the Elf spoke, "A mermaid? I haven't heard of your kind before, are there more of you in Middle-Earth?" he asked curiously. Kleo shook her head at Legolas, "Not anymore, my kind were wiped out by Orcs when I was just a child." Legolas smiled sadly at the Mer, "How did you get here?" Kleo smiled softly and answered his question, "My mother dropped me off in a basket at the footstep of the palace when I was but a babe. Her and Elrond were friends and so she left me in his care."

They both went silent after that, neither knowing what to say or do. Kleo lifted her webbed hand to his, "Do I unnerve you?" Legolas shook his head and took her hand in his, "Your beauty could never do such a thing."

Kleo stared at him for a moment before speaking, "My beauty?" Legolas nodded, "Yes. You are more beautiful than the Lady of Light herself." Kelo blushed a light shade of pink before smiling at him. Legolas picked up her hand examining it, he lightly brushed the webbing between her fingers with his index finger. The touch was so light that if Kleo hadn't been watching his movements she wouldn't even have noticed it.

Legolas then went to touch her gills, but again softly, as if he didn't want to harm her. "Truly amazing, I can't believe you are real and yet I'm touching you, feeling that you are." he whispered softly and quietly. Kleo smiled widely, her teeth showing. Legolas looked at her teeth, "Are you carnivorous?" She nodded, "Yes. My diet consists of fish, though I don't like them cooked. I have to have them that way for appearances."

He only nodded, he removed his hand from her gills and stared at her hand. Kleo lifted herself up and rested her arms on his legs, her head laying in her forearms. "What is it like out there?" she asked quietly as if afraid of the question itself. "Out in the wilds you mean? Away from the bustling of cities and towns?" He asked as he stroked her hair. She nodded the best she could from her position, "Well it's beautiful, the hills mound high over the flat plains. The fields are full of trees, the greenest grass, and the blossoming of sweet smelling flowers. There are mountains taller than this palace here in Rivendell. If you head East-West from here, through Trollshaws, across the Last Bridge and then go through Bree and travel through the Chetwood and Old Forest, across another bridge you will reach The Shire where many Hobbit's live their days away from the problems of this world. They farm, drink, and live a peaceful life." Legolas stared into the open, Kleo latched onto every expression he made when talking about the world. "And if you head even more East-West you'll come across the Blue Mountains that hole Dwarves from all over. They say the mountains are so high that clouds go through them."

Kleo smiled softly, "What else is there?" Legolas continued to talk about the outside world, as they spoke they didn't notice Gandalf and Elrond watching them from the balcony that looked over the garden. "It seems that she has made a new friend, Elrond." Gandalf stated. Elrond, while worried and slightly angry,was happy that she did indeed find a new friend, "Yes it would seem that she has. Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of the Woodland Realm. The elf that has brought my daughter the happiness that I can never bring. I only hope that it doesn't lead to her heartbreaking or ruin." Gandalf nodded wordlessly in agreement.

Legolas laughed at her childlike wonder, "You are very curious, Nenlilui." Kleo looked at him confused, "What does that stand for Legolas?" he looked at her fully, "It means Waterlily in my common tongue." Kleo smiled, "What is that?" Legolas spoke softly, never once getting annoyed or angry by her childlike and never ending questions, "It is a type of flower that grows from the bottom of the water and sits at the top. They live their whole lives in the water, but they do come out to sway in the breeze and show their beauty."

Kleo nodded, "I like it." Legolas shook his head and stared out into the open air. They stayed in a silent limbo, enjoying each other's presence till it was time for Legolas to leave for bed. "I must go." Kleo nodded, "I wish to stay a bit longer before leaving for bed myself, the stars are so beautiful this time of year." Legolas looked at her with a longing look, but stood after he gently removed her from his lap. "Goodnight Nenlilui. I shall see you tomorrow." She nodded and dove under the water as he left the garden.

When he had reached his room, he didn't go to bed like he intended, he stayed up and watched the stars, knowing the woman in the garden was doing the same. Throughout the night he ended up falling asleep on the bench that was attached to the window. 

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