Chapter 3

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After a few hours of being together, Kleo and Arwen had become fast friends. Arwen asked Kleo what she liked to do, only to be disappointed when she said looking at flowers and swimming, but rolled with it to keep her happy. Arwen showed Kleo everything the palace had to offer and kept the men and even some women away from her as they walked.

When it became late Arwen took her to the dining hall, where they saw Elrond, Gandalf, four small men, and a taller man. "Kleo, is that you my dear?" Kleo's face lit up as she ran to the now standing Gandalf and hugged him tightly. "Gandalf!" she said excitedly causing Elrond to laugh at her antics. Gandalf let go of her and tilted his head down to look into her eyes, "What are you doing out and about?" he asked in a curious tone. She smiled at the wizard, "Ada thought I needed fresh air and as he said I am safe here."

The others looked confused by Gandalfs and the woman's conversation but kept their mouths shut. Elrond spoke up and looked at Kleo, "Would you like to eat with us Kleo?" Her eyes widened as she looked at the Lord of Rivendell, "R-Really?" she asked, slightly afraid of him saying that it was a jest and that she said she couldn't. He smiled, "Of course dear. Sit beside Gandalf." She nodded eagerly as she sat down next to Gandalf at the edge of the table. If she moved just enough, she would be beside Elrond, who was at the head of the table.

Gandalf spoke to the other guests, "This is Kleo, Daughter of Elrond." They all looked surprised with the comment, Gandalf looked at Kleo, "Kleo, this is Pippin," he said pointing at a short, ginger curly-haired man, "Merry." he then pointed at another short man only this time he was a curly-haired blonde. He smiled at her reassuringly, "The brown-haired one is Frodo and the blonde beside him is Sam. Then finally the tall one is Aragorn."

Kleo smiled at them, "Greetings." They all smiled back at her, she looked at Frodo and frowned slightly, "Frodo, you carry a great evil with you." Everyone at the table was shocked at her comment, "He is back, the Destroyer of Man." Elrond quickly held her hand as Gandalf ran his hand through her hair as Frodo replied, "How did you know?"

Elrond spoke to the small man, "She is magic sensitive. She can sense everything that radiates it." Pippin spoke, "Like Gandalf?" both Gandalf and Elrond nodded, "Yes like us." That was all that was said as dinner was then served.

When the plates were set down Kleo made a face that made Elrond laugh, "They gave you greens." Gandalf then started to laugh, "Oh my." Kleo moved the plate away, "Ada, can you get them to fix it?" He nodded and called an elf back and had them change the food suited for her dietary needs. They came back a short time later and placed down a plate full of fish and seaweed.

Gandalf, Arwen, and Elrond laughed softly as they saw her eyes widen in happiness, everyone watched as she devoured a fish like a bear that tears into a deer. Elrond coughed a little, gaining her attention, she looked at him, her eyes slit like a cat's and razor-sharp teeth deep into the fish. He smiled at her and shook his head, thankfully no one else looked at her as they were deep into conversation and focused on their food.

He let her finish and she went back to a somewhat normal-looking girl. "Enjoy the fish Kleo?" she nodded, Gandalf looked at her plate and sighed seeing all of the bones, "Kleo you need to start eating less like an animal." Elrond gave him a look that said, 'as if she can help it.' The servers came back and took their plates, Kleo looked at the five new members of Rivendell in interest.

Sam noticed, "Kleo, do you need something?" That caused everyone to look at her as she nodded, "What are you?" Merry spoke before everyone else, "Are you saying you have never seen a Hobbit or Human?" she nodded and pointed at Aragorn, "Is he a Hobbit?" That made them laugh as they shook their heads, Aragorn spoke, "I am a Human, Kleo. The other four are Hobbits." She nodded understandingly.

Frodo tilted his head, "What are you? You don't look like a Human or Elf, not even a Halfling." Kleo laughed softly and said nothing as Gandalf spoke for her, "She's an Elf, just an odd-looking one." They seemed satisfied with that answer. Elrond stood from the table, "Well, Kleo needs to rest and Gandalf I need to speak with you. We will see you tomorrow." Gandalf and Kleo stood, bidding goodbye as they walked down the hall to her room. 

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