Chapter 12

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In a quick movement everyone drew their weapons, Legolas bringing Kleo close to him, "We make for the Gap of Rohan. We never should have come here." They heard Boromir say, "Now get out of here! Get out!" The Hobbits ran out first catching their breaths, only for something to grab Frodo and pull him towards the water.

The other three noticed quickly and yelled, "Frodo! Frodo!" They tried to pull the creature off of him as Sam looked back at the door and yelled, "Frodo!" That got everyone's attention, they ran out and tried to help the Hobbit. Kleo made it out just in time to watch Sam cut off the creature's tentacle, "Get off of him!" he cried out.

The creature then went back into the water, only to shoot out again, knocking the Hobbits over with its tentacles and grabbing Frodo once more. It held him over the water as everyone attacked it, Legolas shot arrows, Aragorn and Boromir cutting the tentacles in half with their swords.

Kleo ran to the group and lifted her hands, making a large bubble of water come out of the water. She moved her hands fluidly and the water formed into a sword. She took a deep breath and moved her hands in a throwing motion, causing the water sword to cut the tentacle that held Frodo. Aragorn didn't bother to ask what happened as he ran into the water, grabbing Frodo.

"Grab the others!" he cried out. The others grabbed the three Hobbits, as they did Gandalf came out of the mine and yelled, "Run inside quick!" Everyone ran, but Kleo who kept fighting the creature. The others in the mine took a breath, regaining their strength when they took a head count they noticed Kleo was missing, "Kleo!? Where's Kleo!?" screamed out Legolas in worry.

Gandalf also spoke fearfully, "She's still out there!" Aragorn looked at GImli, "Watch the Hobbits!" Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas, and Gandalf ran out of the mine to see Kleo have water flying around her as she fought the large creature. They just stared at her, surprised by her powers and fierceness, well everyone but Gandalf, who just looked proud. "I will not fall to a creature like you!" she cried out as she moved her hands quickly, taking out another tentacle that came at her.

They watched as she let out a war cry and lifted both hands into the air, the water wrapped around her, but didn't touch her as she turned the water into a giant warrior, her in the middle of it controlling its movements. She moved her hands again creating a large sword for it to use. "This ends here! I will take you and Sauron with me!" she yelled, they didn't know what was happening, but they knew, this was not Kleo.

She cried out again as she moved her hands in a swiping down movement, cutting the creature in half, blood filling the water and pieces of it floated on the surface of the water. When the dead creature sank into the water, she turned and looked at them, her eyes glowing bright blue, her pale hair flying around her gracefully, causing the finned ears and gills to show to the naked eye. Gandalf stepped up to her, "Kleo you did good! The creature is dead! You no longer have to fight!" she stared at him, "Tell me, is he safe?" Her voice sounded ten times louder than normal, also like Saruman's did when he spoke upon the air only closer, "Is my Klemim safe?" Gandalf's eyes widened at her language, he hadn't heard her speak in Merfolk ever, "Yes he is safe!" He made a motion for Legolas to speak.

Legolas looked at Kleo with worry, "I am here Nenlilui, I am safe, you did well." he said to her, when he did she calmed down and dropped from the air slowly, the giant warrior disappearing into the water behind her, her hair fell back into place and her eyes went to normal. She looked at all of them, Aragorn and Boromir holding fear in their eyes, Legolas and Gandalf holding worry, "I am sorry, forgive me." was all she said as she passed out.

Legolas ran up and caught her in his arms as Boromir spoke, "What the hell is she Gandalf!?" Legolas sat on the ground cradling her in his arms, his fingers gliding through her hair, as he muttered, "Please be okay." Gandalf knelt down and put his hand on her forehead, "She'll be alright, she has never used that much power in all the time I've known her...nor has she ever spoken in that language."

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