Chapter 10

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The next morning the group awoke to Legolas laughing loudly with Aragorn. They looked over to see Kleo chasing down butterflies, Frodo commented softly, "What a strange girl." Gandalf grabbed the three's attention, "Alright enough playing. We need to move on!" The three walked to the rest of the group and started to help pack up, as they were packing Kleo kept blowing her hair out of her face.

Legolas let out a chuckle and walked to her, "My Nenlilui, come here." Kelo stood and walked to him, "Yes Legolas?" Legolas turned her where her back was facing him, he gently ran his fingers through her hair and braided it. When Gimli looked up he saw just that, not witnessing anything beforehand, "Legolas this is not the time to be courting the lass." That comment made everyone look at the two.

Legolas was quick to explain, "I am not, I am braiding her hair to keep it out of her face. I do not wish to hear her struggle with it when we are fighting anything." Gimli seemed to not believe it but said nothing, the others however believed him as Kleo had very long hair and could see how she would struggle with it in a fight. Legolas finished the braid, making it low enough to where her sealed gills and finned ears were hidden from the others view.

They then began their journey, Kleo holding hands with Legolas as he told her about everything she saw and asked questions about. Sam and Frodo couldn't believe that she didn't know about all the things she asked questions about like, "Why do birds fly in such a manner? Are snowflakes truly unique or do we just believe they are?" They just comprehend it, she lived with Elrond for Valar's sake! How did she not know about these things?!

They had stopped again, but this time on a rocky hill area, they needed to go over the map to see where to go next. As everyone set down their packs Kleo ran around looking at the place all over. She stopped when Legolas called her over. "Kleo come over here and stay with me! I don't want you accidentally hurting yourself!" She ran over to him and smiled, "I saw this white stuff on a mountain I think...?" she said very unsure of herself.

Legolas smiled at her, "You are correct Kleo, it is a mountain." Boromir spoke next, however rudely, "And that white stuff you saw was snow, now stop with these dumb questions!" Kleo looked at him and sighed, "I am sorry son of Gondor.."

Gandalf looked at her due to her sad tone, then looked at Boromir who was being glared at by Legolas, "Do not judge her Boromir. She has never seen the outside world, she is just curious, that's all." Frodo then understood why she had asked such childlike questions, she had never stepped foot outside of that palace, that also explained why she didn't know what a Man or Hobbit or even Dwarf looked like.

"Lady Kleo, is that true?" Frodo asked, now intrigued. Kleo nodded, "Yes, ada said it was too dangerous for me, still is. Very dangerous, even more so than this quest, but I couldn't allow Legolas to go and take part of me with him while the other stayed in Rivendell." Frodo thought for a moment, "Your other half?" she nodded, "Indeed, when Legolas had found me a little part of me wrapped around him, like a..a..uh.." Legolas answered for her, "Like a moss on a tree is what she is trying to say." Kleo nodded happily.

Later on Sam was cooking with Frodo, Gandalf and Gimli were looking at the map, Legolas watching for enemies and keeping his eyes on Kleo, Boromir was teaching Merry and Pippin to fight with a sword as Aragorn watched with his pipe in his mouth. Kleo walked to where Aragorn was and sat beside him, "They are very small people aren't they?" She said suddenly, making Aragorn laugh, "Indeed they are." They watched in silence as the two Hobbits and Man trained.

Aragorn was in deep thought, he thought about Kleo and how she was just so different. Aragorn then spoke, "Kleo...where are you from?" she looked at him, "Rivendell, been there my whole life." Aragorn's eyes furrowed, "Then how come I never saw you or even heard of you?" Kleo sucked in a breath, "Ada was keeping me safe upon my mothers request. He did not wish for anything to happen to me...I was kept from the view of others who did not understand the unique as some would call them," Aragorn listened quietly, "He kept me away from the hurtful words and the..the Eye, but now he can do no such thing. I am only with Legolas and Gandalf now to protect me if needed, though I can handle myself, I sometimes lose how to control my mind and I go ramped, but that will only happen under distress."

Aragorn nodded and said no more, but they heard Gimli complaining to Gandalf in the direction they were going then heard about Moria. Kleo zoned out during most of it, but then heard Sam, "What is that?" Kleo and Aragorn quickly got up, though Aragorn stayed put and Kleo ran to Legolas. As soon as she reached Legolas Gimli spoke, "Nothing 'tis but a wisp of cloud." She then heard Boromir, "It's moving fast...and against the wind."

They all moved closer to see what it was, Legolas quickly spoke, "Crebain from Dunland!" Aragorn yelled, "Hide!" They all ran, grabbing everything and going for cover. Kleo stood still, she watched them and tilted her head, Legolas saw she wasn't hiding and grabbed her, pulling her down to the ground and held her against his chest, "Shh.."

They all waited as the Crebain flew over the hill they were at and then flew off, they all came out of hiding. "Spies of Saruman, the passage South is being watched, we must take the Pass of Caradhras!" said Gandalf as he looked at the snowy mountain then back at Kelo. "Kleo...can you make it?" She looked at him, unable to answer.

"Gandalf, can I speak with you for a moment?" asked Legolas. Gandalf nodded and walked away from the group as they spoke, "I do not think Kleo can go in that snow and not be found out by the group." Gandalf nodded, "I too worry about that. Can you carry her?" Legolas smiled slightly, "She weighs as if she's nothing, well that is until the tail comes out, then I struggle a bit." Gandalf nodded, "We will wrap her up in everything we can spare and hope that the snow won't touch her." Legolas nodded as they walked back to the group. 

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