Chapter 11

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'Damn it's cold," was all Kleo thought as they made it up the Pass of Caradhras, Gandalf and Legolas had her wrapped up in every cloth they could spare, trying to keep the snow from touching her.

They all turned when they heard yelp from Frodo, they watched as Aragorn ran to his rescue and helped him out of the snow. The saw the fear flash across Frodo's face as he patted himself down, when he turned he saw Boromir picking up the Ring from the ground.

Aragorn followed Frodo's eyes, "Boromir." Aragorn said slightly worried about the man who then started muttering under his breath, "It is a strange fate that we must suffer so much fear and doubt, for so small a thing. Boromir then stared at it and said something very quietly as he tried to touch the Ring. Aragorn then spoke again, with a sterner voice this time, "Boromir!"

The tone jolted Boromir out of his trance-like state. Boromir looked at Aragorn with a shocked face, "Give the Ring to Frodo." Aragorn commanded. Boromir carefully, while still shocked, handed the ring to Frodo. He held it out to Frodo who took it quickly as Boromir spoke, "As you wish...I care not." He chuckled and rubbed Frodo's hair as if he was a dog then walked back to the rest of the group and Aragorn loosened his grip on his sword.

As they continued on the journey they were hit with a blizzard throwing snow at them and making it hard to see two feet in front of you. Kleo pulled the cloth closer to herself, as did the others. She turned to see if everyone was alright and she saw Boromir and Aragorn carrying the Hobbits through the snow. Legolas noticed her looking at them and quickly covered her face, "Remember snow is just very cold water, my Nenlilui. We can't have you unable to walk after we get shelter." She hummed in agreement as they carried on.

Legolas suddenly stopped, everyone looked towards him as he spoke, "There is a foul voice on the air!" Gandalf then yelled, "It's Saruman!" as he did they heard a loud breaking sound. They all looked up as boulders fell from the side of the mountain, they quickly fell into the snow, dodging the large rocks. "He's trying to bring down the mountain!" cried out Aragorn, "Gandalf we must turn back!" Gandalf was quick to answer, "No!" He stood and started talking on the air like Saruman had done.

They heard a crack of what sounded like thunder, next thing they knew they were hit with a small avalanche of snow. Legolas climbed out of the snow mass and looked around for Kleo. He didn't hear the others as they escaped the snow's suffocating grasp. He then heard a voice call him, Gandalf. He quickly made his way to him and saw why he was being called. In the snow he saw Kleo and her tail, he looked at Gandalf who sighed, "We have to wrap her as best we can, they cannot find out, not yet." Legolas nodded and helped Gandalf cover you.

They all looked at the two and noticed Kleo was missing, "Where's Kleo?!" yelled Pippin, Legolas was quick to answer, "With us! She's alright!" Boromir was quick to end that conversation, "We must get off this mountain! We can make it for Rohan!" Aragorn argued, "We can't it takes us too close to Isengard!" Gimli yelled his idea, "We can go through the mountain so let us go around it! Let us go through the Mines of Moria!"

Gandalf looked at Gimli with uncertainty, Legolas then yelled sternly catching them off guard, "I don't care where we go! Kleo needs warmth!" Gandalf then shifted his eyes to Frodo, "Let the Ring-bearer decide!" Boromir spoke, "We cannot stay here! This will be the death of the Hobbits!" Gandalf kept his eyes on Frodo, "Frodo?" Frodo looked up at him and said, "We will go through the mines." Gandalf's face showed a bit of fear, but his voice was steady as he spoke, "So be it."

"Follow me!" commanded Gandalf, he heard Legolas grunt as he lifted the now heavier Kleo, "Legolas, Kleo? Are you two alright?" Kleo made a noise that he took as a yes and a stern eye from Legolas that he also took as a yes. "Let me know if we need to rest." Legolas nodded as they started walking towards the Mines of Moria.

They walked for what seemed like hours thanks to the cold, they soon arrived however, their clothes dry. They tapped the walls, well everyone but Legolas who still carried Kleo. "Legolas, why are you still carrying Kelo?" asked Merry. That quest caused a bit of panic to flow through Legolas as he tried to come up with an excuse, luckily Gandalf came to his aid, "That does not concern you Merry."

When they found the door they all took a small rest, Sam sent off his pony and Legolas sat down Kelo away from the others. "Kleo? You alright?" Kleo moved the cloth from her face and nodded, "Let me dry myself before we go through the mine. Are you alright? I'm not exactly light when I'm like this." Legolas nodded, "Just a little sore, but I will survive."

He turned from her and kept his eyes out for the others as she dried herself. When he heard her stand he turned back to her and smiled, "Good as new?" she laughed, "Good as new." They walked back the group, who eyed them, from their looks Kleo could tell that their trust of her was dwindling. She turned to Gandalf, who hadn't opened the door.

"Dear Gandalf, why is the door still closed?" Gimli spoke before Gandalf could, "He can't solve the riddle of my people." Kleo hummed and walked to the door, she touched it and smiled, "Not of your people Gimli, this door was created by an old race, nearly as old as Gandalf himself." She looked at the riddle, "Mellon." was all she said as the door opened.

The group looked at her in shock that she could open it while Gandalf could not. "My Nenlilui, I dare say you shocked the whole Fellowship among myself." Kleo smiled slightly, "Yes well, that is what happens when you spend most of your time trapped with a father like Elrond." Boromir glanced at her with an odd expression on his face before he went back to normal. Kleo grabbed Legolas's hand and pulled him inside the mine, the others following behind.

As they walked in they heard Gilmi speak, his voice echoing across the very dark room, "Soon you will enjoy the feeble hospitality of the Dwarves." No one spoke as he continued, "Roaring fires! Malt beer! Red meat off the bone!" Kleo quited the Dwarf by asking Gandalf a question, "Any chance of some light?" He chuckled and blew some air into his staff causing it to light up.

"This my friends is the home of my cousin Balin, and they call it a mine." Kleo heard Gimli say, but didn't answer when she saw all the bodies. "A mine!" She heard before Boromir spoke, "This is no mine, this is a tomb." That caused them all to look around. They noticed all the bodies and skeletons of the Dwarves that lived there. Kleo couldn't help but wince everytime Gimli shouted, "No!" Legolas bent down and grabbed an arrow from one of the bodies, he looked at it then everyone else, "Goblins!"

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