Chapter 9

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They traveled till nightfall, making it to Eregion, they made camp. The Hobbits started a fire, Aragorn and Boromir on watch, Gandalf and Gimli relaxing, smoking some pipeweed, as Legolas and Kleo looked at the stars. Gimli looked over at the couple and spoke, "How are they so close for two that have only known each other for a few days, Gandalf?"

Gandalf thought for a moment before answering, "That my friend is a question you do not need to know the answer to, as all will be revealed in time." Gandalf watched them talk and smiled slightly, while Gimli grumbled about how wizards spoke in riddles.

The Hobbits soon let everyone know that they had made the fire and were about to cook, well more like Sam was going to cook. Kleo moved closer to the fire and smiled, "Legolas, do you think fire would last underwater?" she asked not caring what others would think of the question as they looked at her strangely. Legolas let out a chuckle and moved to her side, "Only if it were enchanted by the most powerful magic. You see, fire needs air to breathe like we do, well most."

Kleo's eyes seemed widened at the answer, "Fire breathes?" That question made them laugh, but quickly go quiet at Gandalf's and Legolas's glares. "In a way Nenlilui. It is rather hard to explain." Legolas stated. The nickname pulled a smile from Kleo, though it was a lipped smile. Legolas looked at what the Hobbits were cooking and sighed, "I will be back Nenlilui. Gandalf, watch her and make sure no harm comes to her." Gandalf chuckled, "She should be asking me to do that to you as you are hers." That comment made Legolas and Kleo turn a slight shade of pink.

Legolas kissed Kleo's forehead and left. Sam looked up to see Legolas gone, "Where did the Elf go?" Kleo looked at the Hobbit, "He has a name, it is Legolas and he went to hunt." Sam nodded but paused, "But we have food?" Kleo shook her head, "He went to get me some food." Sam went to say something else, but Gandalf stopped him. Boromir looked at Kleo and spoke, "So who are you?" Kleo looked at him, "I am Kleo. That is all you need to know." Boromir sneered, "Why are you on this quest? You are nothing but a woman."

Gandalf and the others said nothing as Kleo spoke up for herself, "You would do well to hold your tongue son of Gondor." Boromir stood quickly, not liking Kleo's tone, "Watch your mouth child. I did not come on this quest to babysit a woman who does not know how to fight!" Kleo stood as well, but calmly. "I do not wish to harm a human." Gandalf watched in interest along with the others, though Aragorn looked like he was going to put a stop to it if it escalated.

"I do not wish for harm to come to those I care for." she stated. "You mean the Elf you've known only a few days?" Boromir growled out, Kleo nodded at his statement. "Yes, the Elf I have claimed as mine. The Elf I shall die for and give my soul to so that he may never be in pain." Kleo then walked away from the group no longer wishing to argue. Gandalf looked at Boromir, "You had no right." With an angry face Boromir spoke again, "I have every right! She is nothing but a child and a woman who knows nothing of this world!"

Aragorn put his hand on Boromir's arm, pulling him to sit down as Boromir continued, "Who does she think she is?!" Gandalf put his pipe down and sighed, everyone looked to the Wizard in curiosity and concern. "I shall tell you, but only a little, the rest is her story." Boromir scoffed, "Whatever." Gandalf looked into the fire, "She is the daughter of Elrond and granddaughter of Lady Galadriel." Boromir seemed to stop breathing at the mention of Galadriel, "She has as you would put it. She can lay claim to any who she chooses, doesn't matter who or what, but when she does she not only gives her care and love, but her soul to them."

The Hobbits stopped what they were doing, paying their full attention to him as he continued, "She does it without being asked, only by instinct." Aragorn said what everyone was thinking, "But why Legolas?" Gandalf smiled sadly, "He is the only one who has never treated her as a monster or freak. It is a foregin feeling to her and even if you do not think you have done such a thing, you have in one form or another." Boromir's eyes narrowed at Gandalf's wording.

Gimli's brows furrowed, "What do you mean Gandalf?" The Wizard sighed, "You see her as a blessing of the Valar, as this beauty that should not be here, because of how she looks now, but when you see who she truly is you will become distant, fearful, and angry that she kept it from you. You will think or even say aloud, 'How dare you keep this large secret from us?' She didn't get that from Legolas. He wondered upon her true form on accident and fell. He did not fall in love per say, but he indeed fell, fell into a dark hole that he will never escape from. She fell as well, down the same hole." Boromir couldn't believe what he was hearing and scoffed, but no one paid him any mind. 'True for my ass,' he thought to himself, 'Just who are you Kleo?'

Frodo spoke quietly, "They're in love without the love?" Gandalf nodded, "For they do not know what love is and therefore have no idea how to recognize it and we shall not show them, this is something they need to find out on their own." Boromir seemed to go quiet, not knowing what to say. They all looked up when they heard footsteps, they saw Legolas holding a whole bag of fish, with a confused and worried look. Gandalf spoke quickly, "She is a few feet away. She needed some space from all of the men." Legolas seemed to calm down and handed a fish from the bag to Sam, "Sam, if you could cook this for her, I would be grateful. Her favorite, River Salmon." was all he said as he set the bag down and walked to the white-haired woman who stood alone in the moonlight.

Kleo looked over at Legolas who was now beside her, "How was the hunt?" Legolas smiled, "Fine, how about we go back to the group?" She nodded agreeing as they walked back to the group, Sam had finished cooking. They all ate and talked, soon falling into silence as they heard Kleo humming.

Sam looked at her, "Lady Kleo, if you don't mind me asking' what are you singin'?" Kleo looked at him and smiled, "I don't mind and it's called Siúil a Rúin." Pippin was next to speak, "Can you sing it to us?" Kleo nodded, "If that is what you want." The two then nodded eagerly, making Kleo laugh softly.

She cleared her throat and started the song, "I wish I was on yonder hill, 'tis there I'd sit and cry my fill, and every tear would turn a mill, iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn." The rest of the group watched her as she sang, Boromir taken aback with her voice, the others enchanted deep within her voice.

"Shule, shule, shule aroon, shule go succir agus, shule go kewn. Shule go dheen durrus oggus aylig lume, iss guh day thoo avoreen slawn." The only ones knowing the language she sang in was Legolas and Gandalf, but the others did not care as they were trapped within.

"I'll sell my rock, I'll sell my reel, I'll sell my only spinning wheel to buy my love a sword of steel. Iss guh day tho avorneen slawn." They couldn't stop listening no matter how hard they tried. They were so enraptured with her song, that they didn't even see the animals that had come nearer to hear the ladies' song.

"I'll dye my petticoats, I'll dye them red, and 'round the world I'll beg my bread, until my parents shall wish me dead, iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn." Pippin and Merry began to cry at the words of the song, they did not understand what the woman was saying but for some reason it made them cry.

"I wish, I wish, I wish in vain, I wish I had my heart again, and vainly think I'd not complain, iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn. But now my love has gone to France, to try his fortune to advance, if he e'er come back, 'tis but a chance, iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn. Shule, shule, shule aroon, shule go succir agus,, shule go kewn. Shule go dheen durrus oggus aylig lume, iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn.." She finished the song with a tear in her eye.

Gimli was the first to speak, "Lass, that was a beautiful song, my wishes go to the lady who wrote it." Aragorn then followed, "I agree with Gimli." Merry spoke next, "What language was the song in?" Kleo looked down sadly, "A very old and dead language. The song is over four ages old." Frodo looked at her curiously, "Then how do you know it?"

"'Tis none of your concern how I know it, now I believe it is time for you to sleep. I, on the other hand, will be in the field if you need me." Before anyone could say anything she was up and walking away, Legolas spoke, "I will be with her do not worry." Legolas then too got up. Gandalf then made sure everyone went to sleep as Aragorn stayed up on watch. 

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