Chapter 14

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The next day after they had left the heart of the Elvendom, they journeyed down the river out of the kingdom towards the Falls of Rauros. Kleo rode in the boat with Legolas and Gimli, Aragorn rode with Sam and Frodo, and Boromir rode with Merry and Pippin.

At nightfall they stopped at a random clear spot and set up camp. Legolas watched as Kleo stared at the water, longing to go in, "My Nenlilui it would not be wise, but soon you can, I promise, now come and rest." Kleo got up and walked to him and laid her head on his lap as he sat by the fire, his back leaning against a rock.

She was enjoying the peace when she heard Frodo ask her something, "Kleo...can you sing us a song to help us sleep?" The Hobbits looked at her for her answer and nodded, "Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay," She ethereal voice bounced off the the rocks creating another voice, matching hers as she continued, "Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay."

They didn't know what was different this time, but this time she sounded like a siren calling her victim into the deep, they were trapped in her voice. She stood from Legolas and walked from the group of Hobbits as she continued loud enough for them to hear, "Lay down your head and I'll sing you a lullaby, back to the years of loo-li lai-lay, and I'll sing you to sleep and I'll sing you tomorrow. Bless you with love for the road that you go.." Aragorn and Boromir heard her enchanting voice and came back from their patrol to hear her song.

They sat down near the fire and listened, "May you sail far to the fields of fortune with diamonds and pearls at your head and feet, and may you need never to banish misfortune. May you find kindness in all that you meet," Legolas looked at her as if she was sent from above as she sang, her hair moving in the breeze. They watched as little glowing dots began appearing around the Fellowship, they just floated creating this everlasting look of her and how she was truly a beautiful woman, "May there always be angels to watch over you, to guide you each step of the way, to guard you and keep you safe from all harm, loo-li, loo-li, lia-lay."

Boromir didn't know how it happened but everytime she sang he could never feel the hate he had for her, just inner peace. She continued the lyric, Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay, her voice carrying throughout the quiet camp, after she finished she stared at the water. Boromir looked at her in curiosity, "Legolas, why does she stare at the water as though she longs for a long lost home?" Legolas looked at him and smiled, "In a way she is longing."

Kleo turned to them, her face filled with happiness, but no smile was on her face as she went back to her position on Legolas's lap. She looked around and noted that the Dwarf and Hobbits were sleeping and that the glowing dots were still around, "Sorry about the glowing lights, they seem to show up when I sing the song." Aragorn raised an eyebrow, "Everytime?" Kleo only nodded.

"Legolas, do you think after this journey we should have a ball with our friends and make them dance to the most royal song there is?" she asked Legolas looking up at him, he laughed, "Most definitely." Aragorn and Boromir made a face that caused Kleo to laugh, the happiest laugh they had ever heard came from her making them smile in response. She looked up to the stars and sighed. The others followed suit and watched as the sky brightened above them.

The next day they sailed out again on the river, Kleo leaned her head on her arms that laid on the side of the boat, she watched the water move from the boats and paddles. "Kleo! Frodo!" they heard Aragorn say, he pointed to the statues that they slowly neared, "The Argonath. Long have I desired to look upon the kings of old, my kin." They stared at the giant statues of men holding their swords in one hand against their bodies and their other stretched out in a stop motion, they dawned on robes and armor. "Remarkable.." whispered Kleo. As they rode past them, Kleo noted that the statue's feet were bigger than the three of their boats combined.

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