3. Attila's temper

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October 20, 2040

Dominik N. Kovács, CEO.

Illy read the brass plaque mounted on the door before her and straightened her dress once more, composing herself.

When she knocked on the large double doors, his familiar voice urged her to come in and she turned the doorknob, stepping inside to find herself face to face with Dominik Kovács himself.

Well she was facing him.

He had his back to her and he was engrossed in his work, swiping away at an invisible screen projected in front of him.

As the door closed behind her, she watched him interact with the interface, and approached cautiously, not wanting to disrupt his concentration.

A second later he made a gesture as if swiping everything away and Illy shifted her weight from one leg to the other as he turned and his attractive grey eyes fixated on her, his relaxed posture exuding confidence.

"G-good morning, Mr. Kovács," she greeted, voice a tad shaky, eyes looking everywhere but at him.

He sat back in his chair, observing her with a slight hint of amusement twitching his lips from her wandering eyes.

Her gaze landed on him again when he silently reached for something across his desk, a digital clock that he flipped around to face her.

"You are twenty-eight minutes late on your very first day," He tsked, "I am not impressed, Miss James."

Embarrassment washed over her and she swallowed hard, blinking rapidly, "I-I apologize, Mr. Kovács. Your request was so sudden that I-"

"So it's my fault you're late?" She thought she saw the corner of his lips twitch ever so slightly.

"O-of course not Mr. Kovács. I didn't mean to imply that at all. It's just that I encountered some...unexpected challenges this morning."

She could feel his penetrating gaze on her, and straightened her posture, "I take full responsibility. It won't happen again, Sir."

Her words hung in the air as she waited for his response and after a long pause he got to his feet and walked over to the large open windows overlooking the city.

She held her breath, admiring his figure as brilliant sunlight cast dark shadows over his chiseled face, accentuating his sharp features before he turned to look at her with darkened eyes, "We'll come back to this when I figure out a suitable way to discipline you."

Discipline her?

Her insides roiled, her heart skipping a beat when he crossed the room and as he came to stand just in front of her, she swallowed hard.

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