39. Illy's break-out

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October 25, 2040
12:55 PM

Illy buzzed at the door and heard the lock clicking out of place before a sound from behind alerted her.
A quick glance had her doing a double take as Attila seemed to have collapsed in his effort to cross the room, the crutch now laying at his feet.

Her gaze darted towards the door and then back to the sight of his struggle, and she was torn.

Why does the universe intend to test her at every step?

Attila was cruel and terrifying and she should be glad to see him so vulnerable but instead she was feeling nothing but pity for the man.

"Don't," He hissed when she took his arm over her shoulder in order to help him to his feet.

"Your implant is glitching," Illy told him, watching it transition to every color of the rainbow, "You'd better sit down before you have another seizure."

His face contorted with rage as she pulled the tether out before him.

"I'm not a cripple and you are not my keeper."

"You just collapsed!" Illy snapped, "And I'm not heartless like you," She gritted her teeth, almost staggering under his weight as he took hold of the tether's armrest to pull himself up.

"I hate you for what you've done to me and yet I can't help but feel sorry for you because you're just a stubborn child whose mind was poisoned by grief. Who made it so that he can never trust a living soul."

"Spare me," He gritted, "I hope you know that I reserve no such pity for you."

She lifted up the crutch to him when he sank into the tether, "Here. Try not to fall and break your head open or everyone will find just how small your brain really is."

With nostrils flared and jaw clenched tightly in frustration, Attila glared back at her and Illy knew he was seeing red at the fact his carefully constructed world had unraveled right before him.

"You dare insult me right now?"

"I'll do it again," Illy crossed her arms defiantly.

"You will not leave this room until you've learned not to talk back," Attila commanded.

"You can't control me," Illy said, "And neither do you intimidate me anymore either, because I've found the only thing I really ever wanted from you anyway. Understanding. I understand why a monster who kills with no remorse has such knowledge and fascination with the human brain. I understand why you want to pick me apart and I understand why you want to make me suffer. Your soul is broken and in a way, it's no different from mine. But unlike you, I don't intend to remain stuck in my old ways."

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